Chapter 8 - Concentration Camp

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4. November 2061 9:17, repair bay at sector J13

After nearly 8 hours of sleep, Unbreakable woke up.

"How I got in bed?"

After a while she quickly stood up and ran out from room. She reminded herself, that she have to give a report about IWS to commander Aleksandrovich.

When she got to commander's office she saw, that doors are opened widely, so she took a peek inside and saw commander and IWS working on papers.

"So here you were, don't you?" she asked after a while

"Yes. I wanted to help commander with his paper work." answered IWS with slight smile

"You should wake me up and let me do it instead, commander."

"IWS insisted, that she will be alright and deal with it instead of you. I told her, that it's not her job, but she said, that she want to do it. She even locked the doors, when I wanted to go and wake you up."

"Because leader needs more sleep. She wasn't sleeping properly night before last one, so she was very tired. We can't let her die on battlefield because of tiredness, don't we?" said IWS with confident smile

"Just give me a break..." said Unbreakable "Commander, do you have anything for me to do?"

"Yes. Take these girls to shooting range and train them a bit." he answered, while giving her list of HG T-dolls

"You know, that my fighting style is different, than G&K's? They may not be able to fight like me."

"I know, but I want you to give them some tips about their weapons and all. We don't have much of experienced trainers, so you would fit that role perfectly."

"Alright, let it be. I will go for now. Don't overwork yourselves you two and don't hesitate to ask me for help."

"And who says that?" they answered in unison, making Unbreakable a bit confused


It was around midday, when commander asked Unbreakable to come to his office. When she reached it, she saw commander, IWS, Helian and Persica talking with each other.

"What is this meeting?" asked Unbreakable

"We want to send you to special mission - retrieve T-dolls and resources from behind of enemy lines." said Helian

"Tell me more about it."

"KCCO stopped their advance around country town Nebelitsa and created something like concentration camp for T-dolls and G&K human personel. They made very brave decision, because their camp is just two kilometers away from frontline. Your target will be infiltrating mentioned camp and after our forces' attack, carrying out a sabotage attack, escaping with as much prisoners, as possible or helping out forces taking over this region.

Their defense don't exist, because they still think, that we can't kill them, so it should be easy to infiltrate their base, but they will notice our 160 doll army before we will reach them, that's why you will make sabotage attack there." added Aleksandrovich

"This can work, but I will have hard time there."

"That's why IWS and M38 will go with you."

"Wait, what?! M38 is ok, but IWS?! We won't be able to hide her weapon!"

"That's no problem. When you installed OGAS in my M.I.N.D., I got some knowledge about weapons with it. I can use Five-Seven, TMP or Skorpion just like they would be my main weapons." answered IWS with confident smile

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