Chapter 15 - Last Cry Of Hope

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17. November 2061 22:38, around Balga castle

After nearly 4 hours of walking without any fights, Unbreakable's forces reached first point, that they wanted to search - surroundings of this old castle.

"Leader, why here?" asked skeptical Vector

"This castle was touristy place before Butterfly Incident. I think, that we can try to look for boat in place like this." answered Unbreakable

"Still it's castle, not some harbor."

"Humans probably added cruises to their offer in this place. At last they love to get money using everything, that they can."

Vector nodded in agreement, letting Unbreakable continue.

"We will try to look for a boat in here. If there wouldn't be any, we will split on half and try to seek boat on north and on south."

"Yes ma'am." answered everyone in unison

As they reached the coast, they saw small platform. There was space for two boats to moor, but there weren't any boat at there.

"Nothing?" asked IWS with uncovered sadness

Eora came closer to inspect the platform. After a while she found rests of mooring rope.

"There was one boat here, that wasn't taken away." she said with confident smile

"Still if boat broke the rope, it can be anywhere, so why are you smiling?" asked Jericho

"There is a chance, that the boat hit the coast, while it was high tide and it can still be around here."

"That's why we are going to split and look for it." added Unbreakable

"Alright, then how should we split?" said Carcano

"I, Ivan, Carcano, SAF, F2000, Jericho and Vector will go north, while Eora, Scarecrow, IWS, M38, Chauchat, Thompson, PzB and M1014 will go south. If someone will find boat, send message in FMOS overlay. Moreover team, that will go south can't go further, than 3 kilometers."

"Wait, why you don't want me or Eora to go with you?" asked IWS

"This way our teams will be more effective, if we will meet Sangvis units."

"That's right, but..."

"Just do as ordered. Don't worry too much about me, I won't do some stupid shit." interrupted Unbreakable

IWS sighed in defeat and when Unbreakable wanted to go with her team, IWS added:

"Ivan, if leader will do something idiotic please tell me! I will personally kill her!"

"Understood." he answered with serious face

"Just give me a break." said Unbreakable after sighing


Unbreakable's team was walking for about 10 minutes, when Jericho said:

"Do you see that thing?" and pointed toward something

Unbreakable took binoculars and after turning night vision mode, she saw a touristy boat on beach.

"Probably you found what we were looking for." she said with slight smile

"Should I inform others?" asked Carcano

"Better if we will check, if we can use this one, than gather everyone and discover, that this boat isn't able to float."

Carcano nodded in agreement and everyone get closer to the boat. It was a bit stuck in shore and slightly on its side, but it wasn't damaged.

"About 16 meters long. We can really reach Norway in this one." said Unbreakable with dose of surprise

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