Chapter 13 - ...Will Never Become Same

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13. November 2061 7:03, sector E04

Aleksandrovich finally snapped out from shock of seeing Eora and after coming closer to her and Unbreakable he asked:

"How did you managed to get here? Why I don't see others from your squad? And why Scarecrow is working with you?"

Eora sighed sadly, taking everyone's interest.

"'Vanguard' reached Berlin, but Ouroboros managed to inform Elisa about our plans. She let us step in her trap and after quick fight she got destroyed, but with cost of nearly every member of our unit. AR team, 404 team, two Patriot's teams, White Eagles and Buzzard team got annihilated by Elisa and her forces in no time. Mikel had committed suicide when she broke him.

STAR managed to kill Elisa using her M.I.N.D. as bomb, but before that she told me and SV-98 to escape. When we were about 300 kilometers away from Berlin, Sangvis' forces attacked us again when we were in helicopter, so we were knocked down. I somehow managed to survive the crash, but SV got killed, so I was only one, that survived that battle. 

On the other hand Scarecrow wanted to surrender to me about one week ago, so from that moment we were traveling together."

When she ended speaking, everyone got silent and had sad faces. Eora couldn't stand that and said:

"Hey, maybe this is sad, but I feel like I have failed you, because I reached you, not someone from other teams."

"I-It's not like that! We are just..." interrupted Aleksandrovich, then shuttered

"It's fine, I know that you are sad, that others are dead, but right now we need to focus on what we have right now."

Then she turned around and showed holographic map, making others surprised.

"Right now we are here in sector E04, coordinates EG03U. If we want to survive, we need to avoid every bigger outpost and go to the north. From information, that me and Scarecrow retrieved we know, that AU is fighting in Norway and Sweden, while URNC tries to take control over eastern Poland, Belarus and western Ukraine. 

We don't know if they are in alliance, but judging by their moves they aren't friendly for each other, yet they aren't in fight. I think, that best we can do is move to Kaliningrad before KCCO reach it and after finding some boat swim to Norway. If we won't make it on time, we will need to reach northern Poland and try same thing from there. Unbreakable, what do you think about it?"

Unbreakable, that was supported by IWS answered:

"Both plans are good, but we don't know when we will reach Kaliningrad. What if KCCO will get there first without us knowing that?"

"That's why I'm here - I still have access to SF database, so when we will capture any outpost, we will know where KCCO is." answered Scarecrow

"But we need to use this possibility as late as possible. It's one try only, because they will delete your access, when you will try to spy over your own fraction." interrupted Eora

"Then we will let her do it, when we will be around here." said Unbreakable and pointed the area at hologram

"Wait! Eora, is everything alright?!" suddenly asked IWS

"Why are you asking?"

"Because this map is coming from your eye!"

Then everyone looked at her eye and in fact light, that was creating this hologram was coming from her left eye, that was looking like blue lightbulb.

"Don't worry about it. I got FMOS' administrator permissions and I can do all kind of stuff like this." she answered with calm voice, making others a bit calmer too, then she turned map off

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