Chapter 3 - On Way to Voronezh

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31. October 2061 14:27, G&K base at sector M13

"Phoenix" army got dissolved and some of T-dolls in it got under commander Vladimir Aleksandrovich's command. In one day they managed to prepare base in conquered sector and prepare some defense fortifications.

Unbreakable was eating her dinner, when M38 came into office-like room, where she was. After quick salute she said:

"Leader, commander Aleksandrovich arrive in 4 minutes."

Unbreakable quickly got livelier.

"Why you didn't told me about that earlier?!"

"We just got that information." 

"Alright, prepare at least one representative regiment."

"What?" asked confused M38

Unbreakable looked at her with same amount of confusion, but after understanding, that she don't know what representative regiment is, she said:

"Prepare one fully equipped regiment to greet commander Aleksandrovich."

"Understood." answered M38 and left room

Unbreakable came closer to large mirror and began to fix her suit. When she ended she said:

"Alright, looks good." and after last one glance she left the room


When commander Aleksandrovich left his car in front of "representative regiment" Unbreakable saluted to him and said:

"Welcome in your base, commander."

He saluted back and then they shook their hands.

"So you prepared welcoming committee for my arrival?"


"Thank you for that, but there was no need to. Still i appreciate that. But to the point - we need to speak in four eyes."

"Understood. Let us go to commander's office."

Then he smiled and Unbreakable led him to mentioned room, while T-dolls from "welcoming committee" diverged.

When Unbreakable and commander Aleksandrovich came into the room, he locked doors and said:

"As commander Kryuger said, we are going to Woronezh. I can't take you there as T-doll, because of contract between G&K and URNC, so you need to be undercover. Here are your new documents: ID card, passport and birth certificate."

Then he handed her briefcase with mentioned documents, that were in one of suitcases, that he took with him.

"Amelia Clarke?"

"Yes. It's popular surname in United Nations, so HQ gave it to you."

"I see, they want me to be very recognizable."

"Indeed. They think, that you will escape them so-"

"So they want to make me easy target to assassinate." said Unbreakable with dose of sadness

Commander Vladimir nodded at her words slightly surprised.

"Can't be helped." she added with slightly cheered voice and took document named as "Biography"

After a while she got dumbfounded.

"Wait! 'Her dream since childhood was playing a violin. She made her dream come true and right now she is one of the best violinist in world'?! Who wrote this?!"

"Quieter! That surprised me a bit too, but it looks like they really want you to stand out from a crowd as much, as it's possible." said Vladimir

Unbreakable quickly read rest of her new personality, while Aleksandrovich opened second, bigger suitcase and took violin and bow out from it.

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