Chapter 16 - New Order

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18. November 2061 6:47, AU base near Stockholm

"ETA 2 minutes." shout pilot

"Roger." answered Jack, soldier that was talking with Unbreakable at first and leader of team Spark 4

Few moments later, they were on helipad, leaving the helicopter, while being escorted by team Spark 4.

"What will happen to us?" asked Unbreakable

"Right now we received the order to get you here, nothing more. Don't worry, we won't kill you." answered Jack

"I should worry. At last I'm leader of this unit."

"Right, as leader you want to know what will happen. Still I don't know much more, than you do."

"And what with Ivan?"

"After making sure, that his life won't be in danger, he will join you on your way to Hollow City."

Unbreakable sighed and after a moment of walking, they all reached dormitory. Then another soldier began to lead them to their room.

"This one is for you. At 13:00 you will be interrogated about what happened to you and at 15:00 you will be transported to Hollow City." said soldier, while opening the doors

As Unbreakable and her team came in, they were surprised by how advanced those dorms were and began to look around the room.

"You can't leave this room without permission. If you do, you will be treated as spies, do you understand?"

"Roger that." answered Unbreakable and saluted to soldier

He smiled confidently and left the room.

"Leader, this dorm is such futuristic!" said M38 with happiness

"I always knew, that AU have much more advanced technology, but I didn't expect it to be so different from ours." added Carcano

"Did you heard, that AU bases are very friendly to soldiers and very advanced technologies are used in them, but Hollow City is three times more advanced, than other cities and bases?" asked Eora

"You know that's was what I said to you?" asked Scarecrow, making others laugh a bit

"Alright girls, better use these 6 hours to rest, than looking around the room like that." said Unbreakable, that laid down at one of beds

"Roger that." everyone answered

Afterwards every T-doll rest a bit in their own way - sleeping, eating, listening to music or gathering information about URNC. To 12:50, everyone was ready to say about their escape. Unbreakable ordered to say whole story about their fates, so everyone said the truth. 

AU investigators were most interested in Scarecrow's story, but IWS' skill caught their interest too, same as Eora's story about destroying Elisa and escaping from pursuit. Interrogations ended around 14:24, so Unbreakable's team had some time before departing to Hollow City.

Commander of that base let them move around it freely, so Unbreakable began to look around it. IWS and Eora joined her, because they had nothing to do. They were amazed by how organized the base was - logistic was perfect, dorms were right next to armory, still being close to central part of base, where meetings were set up and gyms and games room were. 

Most crucial parts of base - communication room, commander room and tactical operation room were at the first floor of base, but there were lots of ways leading to them. This base's layout was well thought and because of technologies like better communication system inside base, splitting it in sectors, that could be closed by massive steel doors and more entertainment for soldiers, base's defense and soldiers' morale were on same high level.

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