Casually Threatening My Godfather, As One Does.

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It took another two days for Harry to realize that his relatives probably wouldn't be coming back to Privet Drive while he stayed there. He didn't mind too much, he had enough food for a few days at least, and he had already started learning memes and vines - he had spent two hours already watching vines.

Despite the lack of the car in the front drive, Harry didn't want anyone to call the cops because a thirteen year old was abandoned. So, after a lovely breakfast, he went out to the garden to weed and water the flowers he had grown from buds. Despite the Dursleys forcing him to garden, he had come to enjoy digging his hands into the dirt and to see the results of his hard work. Today was quite nice, if a little cloudy, so gardening was as calming as ever.

"Shoo! Stupid little human, shoo! Tall hatchling is destroying my nest! I will bite! ~" A small garden snake had poked its head out, hissing at him fiercely.

"I didn't mean to upset you! I need to keep up the gardening while my relatives are gone. I apologize for messing with your nest~"

"A speaker!" the little snake gave what could only be an excited wiggle. "Take me with you, speaker! I will bite your enemies!~"

"There is no need for that, but I will take you if you'd like! Do you have a name?~"

"No, but speaker will give me a powerful name that will scare enemies away!~"

Harry smiled as he scooped up the small garden snake, it was about the size of his forearm, and settled him onto his shoulders before continuing the weeding. He finished up quickly, and after watering the flowers, he went inside. Washing up and making lunch took more time than it should have, his new friend kept trying to steal the ham he was using. Harry sat in the living room with his sandwich as he flipped on the telly.

"If anyone has any information on Sirius Black, please dial the hotline down below!" The male newscaster's voice filled the room before the true crime documentary came back on. Sirius Black, the name sounded vaguely familiar to Harry, though he couldn't remember why. Shaking off the heavy sense of Deja Vu, he relaxed into the chair while watching the documentary.

It was a few hours later when Harry woke to his still unnamed snake thumping its tail onto his head. Scuffling from the kitchen prevented him from yelling at the little twerp. As slowly and quietly as possible, Harry grabbed a Yankee candle that Aunt Petunia kept on the side table next to the chair. He stood u[ and moved to the doorway fluidly before peering in.

Stood in the kitchen was a man with scraggly, black hair, hunched over as he pawed through the cabinets. Harry's heart leapt to his throat as he moved back into the shadows of the living room. Taking a steadying breath, Harry whirled around the corner and chunked the candle at the intruder!

A loud yelp erupted from the man as the candle landed heavily against the man's head. He hit the ground in a daze as Harry rushed past him to the knife block. Wielding a sizable kitchen knife, he whirled back around to face the intruder head on!

"Whoa! Whoa, I mean no harm!" the man had managed to stumble to his feet only to be met with a knife and a hissing garden snake. "Harry, I just want to talk!"

"How the hell do you know my name? Who are you?"

"I'm your godfather! My name is Sirius, I -"

"As in Sirius Black, the deranged lunatic that just escaped prison?" Harry jabbed at the escaped convict with his knife. "What the hell are you actually here for?"

"Harry, I swear to you, I really just want to talk. I am your godfather and I'm innocent! Please!"

"Fine. You better talk fast."

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