Ready For A Day Trip!!

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Snape was not one to sleep in, he never had been. He preferred to wake up early and get everything set up for the day. Despite this, 6 am was far too damn early for two hyper teenagers to wake him up! They didn't explain anything, merely raced off to also wake up the mutt. The teens raced back in the room, jumping about with more energy than a toddler on crack cocaine.

"Get up! We're going to the beach!" The two's voices blended together as they threw a pair of hot pink swim shorts at him before racing out of the room in a fit of giggles. The two had snuck out to the shop, which was run by this elderly couple who were always awake before the sun, and had gotten all of the supplies they needed for a trip to the beach. They couldn't wait!

It took ten minutes for Sirius and Snape to get ready to leave, Snape looking ready to snap their necks at the pink monstrosity they gave him to wear. The teens had packed breakfast and lunch into a small cooler while Hermione had a bag with sunblock, after-sun, and other things they may need for sunburns.

Harry had never been to the beach and Hermione adored swimming, so the trip was bound to be fun if a little chaotic. The Weasleys had set up the Dursley's fireplace to be a protected floo destination, so they be flooing into the Australian Magical Immigration Offices to file the paper work for a visit. They had locked the front door before flooing. Snape and Snuffles had gone first, then Hermione, and lastly Harry, who had to be caught as they stumbled through by Snape.

"Reason for visit?"

"A day trip to the beach."

"Anyone who can vouch for your group?" It was then that the lady working on the paperwork finally looked up at them. She paled considerably at the dour potions master that was infamous for his gaining his Mastery at an early age. "Never mind! I apologize sir, I was unaware that you would be visiting!"

"It was a last minute ordeal."

"Oh, uh, of course!" the paperwork was quickly dealt with and approved with a little fast-tracking from the worker. They group set off, the chaos duo bouncing around excitedly to the point Snape wondered if they had snorted coffee grounds. The group would be taking a wizarding cab service, which Snape was volunteered to hail, to get to the actual beach.

A hot pink cab materialized in front of them reading "Paige Cab" on the side in black lettering. The man driving looked to be around Hagrid's size, wearing a pink sweater with a hand stitched cat on it and blue jeans. The man smiled at them before banging his fist on the dashboard, which popped the back door open. The inside was clean with brown leather seats and a baby blue knitted throw blanket on the back of the seats.

Hermione got in first, then Snape, then Harry with Sirius laying on their feet. The door closed behind them as they buckled up. The inside was more spacious than they had expected, with enough room for them to all sit comfortably. It was really nice inside and the two teens flashed smiles at each other around Snape.

"Where to?" The man's voice was low and gruff, but held a happy tone that made Harry and Hermione feel safe.

"The closest beach, please," was Harry's cheerful reply. "Are there any for just wizards?"

"Sure is. I'll drop you off at the nearest one." The cab pulled away from the curb shakily before rapidly picking up speed, causing Hermione to give a small shout of excitement and Harry to clutch onto Snape's sleeve, while the dour man looked mildly carsick. It took only five minutes for them to arrive at the beach, where Harry paid the fare, and the four toppled out of the vehicle, ready to begin their day!

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