How Many Times Do We Have To Teach You This Lesson Old Man??

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Hermione was going to kill them. To be fair, they hadn't planned to have any confrontations, nor did they expect for Neville of all people to come to their defense! Lucius Malfoy needed to learn not to mess with people who would meme him relentlessly! And today's inspiration was, drum roll please! Peepaw Willy!

To be fair everything was perfectly normal until Harry, Hermione, and Snuffles met up with the Weasleys. They had gone to Gringotts to get money and it went well, though the goblins were scarily polite to Harry, who found it hilarious! They had gotten their school books, Harry and Hermione grabbing a wide variety of books and Ron being forced to let Harry pay for creature books for him. Then they had all decided to get their new school robes, this is where everything collapsed in on itself.

"Mr. Potter, I see you're with the people you clearly belong with! Trash and traitors alike!" Lucius silver hair was thrown over his shoulder as he executed what he believed to be a perfect, dismissive hair flip. "Then again, you didn't have anyone to teach you any better!"

"Yeah well who's fault is that? Or did you forget about your old boss?" Neville's snarled insult actually shocked the silver-haired prat into taking a step back. Neville was glaring at the man with a look that dared him to give the boy a reason. It was kinda... attractive. Repress that for now! Time for Harry to work their magic!

"Great, Peepaw is talking about the war again! Come on, gramps, let's get you back to the nursing home."

"Excuse me! I am not old! Nor am I related to you."

"Can someone get a walker? Peepaw's knees went with his memory! Honestly, next thing we know, his hair will start falling out. Peepaw is at that age. I thought you had him on the leash!" Harry had turned to Neville, who they shot a wink at. This was going to get them both into trouble but would be well worth it. "Did you at least bring the extra adult diapers?"

"What? You said you were going to grab them! I was in charge of making sure he didn't eat anything sour! Peepaw would probably have a heart attack! Not to mention, I already had to stop him from getting in the weird white van outside of the Leaky Cauldron!"

By this point a crowd had surrounded them, Draco was in said crowd refusing to look up and be associated with his father. Everyone was having a grand old time listening as two thirteen year olds roasted the fuck out of a pureblood supremist. The Weasley clan and Hermione had managed to push to the front of the crowd, but there was no need to jump in, they had it covered.

"I am not old! Draco, come along! No need to mess about with the riff raff!"

The two blondes flounced off as the muggleborns mobbed Harry to speak to the person who insulted Lucius Malfoy twice. Neville, who had looked terrified by the sudden attention, quickly grabbed Harry's hand to check on them. He received a smile for the effort before being dragged out of the crowd by Ron and Hermione, the two checking up on them.

Neville, who had been quickly updated on most of the summer including Harry's new pronouns, before he and his grandmother were conned into accompanying the Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione. The group was loud and in utter chaos for the rest of the day, but no one had the heart to tell them to keep it down. Everyone looked so happy! Hell, even Dowager Longbottom was smiling, and people often joked she was a medusa victim with her stony expressions.

At the end of the day, Hermione, Harry and Sirius took the bus home. They had gotten Chinese take-out from a small hole-in-the-wall joint that 'Mione had recommended. They made sure to get extra for Snape! They had only three days left of summer break and the two teens were conspiring to kidnap the two adults for a small trip.

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