Getting Adopted By Goblins Was Not The Original Plan!

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Alright, to be fair, the Original Plan ™ was just to get the goblins involved in the horcrux hunt! Harry could hardly be blamed for the goblin nation deciding to do complete scans on all of them after being informed of their run in with an active horcrux. This was how they were all quickly cleansed of spells and compulsions as well as finding a small tag-along in Harry. Which is where they were now.

"Harry! Get off that now!" Remus and Sirius were attempting to coax their godchild down from a small ledge in the rocky wall of the Gringotts' infirmary. "We know you're upset, but the goblins want to check you over to make sure you're alright!"

"No! I'm gonna sit up here until I can't feel feelings!"

One of the goblin healers came into the room, followed by the King of the goblins. Harry hopped down from their perch and dipped into a low bow. The two adults scrambled to copy their charge.

"I have been informed that there is something dark in your young charge. There are a few goblins setting up a powerful purification ritual to remove it."

"Thank you for your assistance!" Harry quickly responded in gobbledygook, having grown bored and learned the language the year before. "I hate to ask this of you, but is there any way for one of my familiars to be with me in the room?"

"It may interfere with the ritual." Harry nodded as they summoned Geegee. She appeared in her human form, latched onto their arm, and growled at the goblins.

"Geegee, don't growl at the goblins! They are being extremely generous in their offer to get rid of the horcrux in my scar. Please lead the way, Goblin King."

They were led into one of the healing chambers where a ritual circle was already set up, it differed from the ones that Wizards used. The other three went back to Grimtalon's office, him being the Potter family's accountant. Harry, on the other hand, was looking at the runic circle out of pure curiosity.

One of the goblins ordered him to dress in a white robe they were given and to lay down in the middle of the circle. The goblins began to chant in their deep, guttural language. Harry could catch a few of the words they used. Arilgakh meaning to remove. Kharankhui meaning darkness. Khamgaalakh meaning protect. And lastly, edgeekh meaning heal.

They had slowly been getting dizzier with each repetition of the chant. It felt as if the world was turning too fast and flipping itself over and over. There was a heavy pounding in their head that got louder and worse the more time that passed.

Snapping awake with a serious headache was not a pleasant experience. They must have passed out at some point, they couldn't be sure when. Harry found themself laying on a cot in the healer's ward. They sat up, ignored the black spots that clouded their vision, and shakily stood up.

They slowly made their way back to Grimtalon's office, leaning against walls and stopping frequently when the dizziness became too much. The door to the office was a mere three feet in front of them when their legs finally gave out. Instead of trying to struggle to the door, they tugged on the connection to Geegee, calling her to them.

A loud banging came from inside the office before the door was thrown open. The female version of Harry scooped them up and carried them into the office. They were placed onto a small couch and were given a cup of water. Amidst this chaos, Grimtalon sat and stared at the young child in their office that shouldn't be awake, much less functioning, at the moment.

"Heir Potter, how are you awake? It has only been half an hour. You should, by all accounts, be bed ridden."

"We still have business to discuss," gritting their teeth, Harry forced themself to sit up despite the dull pain thrumming through them. "If the King is amiable, I can send Geegee to scour Gringotts for any other Horcruxes. She'd have orders to not take anything, of course."

The King stormed into the room followed by two very frazzled healers before Grimtalon could respond. It was clear who they were looking for. Harry didn't bother trying to look sorry as the healers scolded them for leaving the infirmary, they were just too tired. They allowed the two goblins to tell them off for a few minutes before mentally alerting Geegee. She growled at the two, effectively shutting them up, before her form was changed into a fluffy cat.

"Now then, as I was saying before, I could have Geegee search for any horcruxes that could potentially be held in Gringotts. She would only search and report back so you could retrieve the blasted thing."

"How will your familiar achieve this?"

"We have a familiar bond, but Geegee is actually considered a shadow guardian. She could finish her sweep of the vaults pretty quickly and you'll be able to get the horcrux out of your kingdom faster."

They spent a few more minutes discussing how the sweep would be conducted before Harry sent Geegee out. They had to use a little bit of magic to change her form again, causing them to almost nod off. With a shake of their head, they sat up and joined the conversation the adults were having on where else to search. King Ragnok noticed the child's struggle to stay awake and couldn't stop the overwhelming respect he felt.

It took around five minutes for Geegee to return. She seemed extremely annoyed as she curled up next to Harry. She told them the vault number before mentally talking to Harry about the dragon she had found. The poor thing was chained up and had clearly been beaten by one of the goblins, she wasn't sure if the King was aware of the abuse. After suffering for nearly thirteen years of abuse from the Dursleys, Harry wasn't putting up with it around them.

"Tell me King Ragnok, how are the creatures in your care faring?"

"I am not sure. Our normal animal handler had her child a few weeks ago. We do not have a back up, so I have not received any reports on their health. Why do you ask?"

"Geegee has informed me that one of your dragons is being abused. I ask that you see to it that this treatment doesn't continue. I do not tolerate abuse, you understand."

"I do. I will ensure that this is taken care of. I will also personally see to the destruction of the horcrux. It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Sain Naiz."

"Until we meet again, Khaany Naiz." With one last bow, the group of wizards and shadow left Gringotts. They hurried back to Grimmauld Place to inform the others of what had occurred at the bank. After such a long trying day, Harry allowed Sirius and Remus to explain while they were helped up the stairs before crashing into bed.

They vaguely registered Hermione and Ron climbing into the bed with them later that night. Sleep sang sweetly that night as the three were pulled into unconsciousness. Geegee, in her cat form, curled up at the end of the bed, watching over them with Aspen coiled up against her. The two watched over their three wards with a fierce protectiveness.

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