What Do You Mean I've Been Sleeping With A Killer??

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Harry and Hermione were sitting next to an unconscious Ron, who they were fanning disinterestedly, as Snape was attempting to calm Molly and Arthur down in the kitchen unsuccessfully. The older Weasley siblings sat in the living room with the golden trio quietly discussing with Sirius the circumstances of his imprisonment. Ginny had become extremely bashful at the realization that the dog she had cuddled with was Harry's godfather.

"I slipped out in my animagus form while the dementors were on the opposite side of the prison. The swim to the mainland was not as fun as it sounds. That water is bloody cold!" Sirius was of course enjoying having people to talk to. Twelve years alone would destroy anyone's sanity. "I managed to stumble my way here. I could smell Harry in this house, so I broke in, which in hindsight wasn't the smartest thing I could have done. He had me pinned to the couch with Aspen at my throat and a kitchen knife aimed at me!"

"Oh, he went easy on you?" Hermione's voice caught his attention and once he registered what she said, he turned pale as a ghost. "The last time someone surprised Harry, they broke the person's nose! We learned quickly not to startle them."

The conscious children had a good laugh at the sight of Sirius's soul leaving his body. Arthur, Molly, and Snape finally came to the living room with everyone else. Molly shooed Hermione and Harry away from Ron as she began fussing over him herself. The two moved to sit with everyone else. Harry sat between the twins, leaning against Fred with his legs in George's lap, while Hermione sat next to Percy and Charlie. Everyone was listening to Sirius when Ron shot awake, knocking his mum's head with his own.

"Whatzit? Mum? Why were you hovering over me?" Ron was rubbing at the sore spot on his head, while looking around confused.

"You fainted after finding out that Scabbers was actually a grown man who helped kill Harry's parents."

"Ginny! That is not helpful!"

"I've been sleeping with a killer? How did no one notice?"

"Firstly, there's no need to shout! Secondly, everyone thought Pettigrew was dead and Sirius was to blame for betraying my parents," ever the peacekeeper, Harry had moved to sooth Ron's frazzled nerves. "Do you want some water? It's best to stay hydrated after a fainting spell."

"Pumpkin is okay! Tell Pumpkin not to scare me like that!" Aspen had slunk his way and wound his way up to Ron's shoulders all while yelling at Harry to scold the boy for scaring the snake. Harry merely ignored him and ran to grab a glass of water and a biscuit for his best friend. Once Ron had been situated; he had moved to sit with Hermione despite his mother's protests, the Weasley's finally asked what they were doing to help Sirius.

They were informed of the plan, which had become far easier with Pettigrew trapped in a small cage by Snape. Molly didn't like that Hermione and Harry were sharing a room, nor that Sirius, as Snuffles, would take naps on Harry. She was largely ignored when she mentioned how inappropriate it was. Until she made some uncouth insinuations about Hermione.

"Mrs. Weasley, I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut up." 'Mione's voice cut through her rant. "I feel no attraction toward Harry. They are my best friend, practically a sibling at this point!"

"Not to mention the fact that I am more than a little fruity," Harry joked. Ron, who had just taken a drink of water, started choking on both the water and his own laughter at their joke. Though the confused faces of the adults made them all feel the need to explain. "I'm gay. Like, out of the closet, walking around with rainbow suspenders, and obsessing over frogs gay."

"Ha! Dean owes me ten galleons!" Ginny's triumphant shout destroyed the slightly awkward silence as the golden trio broke down laughing. "I told him that the closet you were hiding in was frickin see through!"

The Weasley's stayed for only a little while longer before extracting promises to go shopping together the next day. After they had left, Snape locked the door and said his good nights before retiring upstairs to read until he fell asleep. Harry and Hermione gave Sirius a hug goodnight before also going upstairs for bed.

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