This Is It, Isn't It?

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Frozen. The very blood in their veins felt frozen at the realization that the being, it couldn't be called a man, in front of them was their attempted murderer. It wasn't a specter or memory of it this time. This thing had a body and magic, they could feel it swirling weekly around the being.

Harry stood there for longer than strictly necessary, trying to wrap their head around what was happening. The situation needed to be handled carefully otherwise someone would end up dead. Probably them to be honest. Still, there was a time and place for everything and it was neither the time nor place for panicking.

"Wormtail! You useless rat! What is happening?"

So maybe panicking was looking like a perfectly valid option the longer they stood here!

The disgusting thing looked almost like a baby, well, if a baby had been thrown at a cement wall multiple times. Mouth twisted down into a frown, two slits acting in place of a nose, and its eyes were small and squinted. Overall, it would fuel their nightmares for many moons to come.

Now, after having spent a year of DADA with Mad-Eye Moody, the man who preached constant vigilance as if it were gospel, you would think they would know better than to drop their guard. Nope! They were caught wholly off guard as a stringy man with blonde hair hit them with a petrifying charm. How embarrassing.

Their prone body was dragged to one of the more prominent graves: one with a giant angel wielding a scythe with its face cloaked in darkness. With a wave of the man's wand, they were pinned to it by the staff portion of the weapon. The man then moved back to Babymort; it feels wrong on so many levels to call it that; and began to quietly converse with it.

While that was going on, Harry forced themselves to pay attention to the rustling sound they heard from behind them. The charm was weakening slightly, but they weren't quite able to twist to see what was making the noise.

"Stupid humans!" a hissy voice sounded out from below them as a large snake began to wrap around them and the statue. "I am hungry! And that stupid rat didn't feed me before we came out to the cold stone place!"

Well, this situation just got a tad bit more difficult. A quick glance showed the man and Babymort were still busy, so taking care of the snake was definitely first priority. There was an easy way to get rid of it, but they needed to get rid of the petrification. Only one way to do that.

Dark magic tainted with good intentions swirled around the teenager. Their eyes fluttered shut as the charm was forcefully stripped from them by the untamed, crashing wave of magic. Once the charm was gone, they moved to phase two.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly donated!" Seems that the blonde man was going to perform some bloody ritual, whatever, they needed to focus. "Blood of the enemy forcibly taken!"

Harry barred their teeth at the bastard as he stalked towards them with a sharp blade glinting dangerously in the moonlight. The damned snake tightened around their waist, preventing any movement. Blondie grabbed their arm and ran the knife jaggedly across a few inches from the crook of their elbow, scooping up some of the blood with the edge of the blade. While he went back to the ritual, Harry dealt with the giant snake.

"Geegee, I need a bit of help. Use the shadows and get it off me please."

The slowly tightening weight of the snake was gone after a few seconds and they could see the shadows darken around where she was hiding out, probably snacking on a snake.

"And flesh of the servant, willingly given!"

Well that was mildly disturbing and very gross! Blondie just chopped his own hand off and threw it in the cauldron. Repressing that memory! They watched as Babymort was picked up and thrown into the pot with very little flair. It was probably bad that Harry wanted the cursed thing to drown.

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