MMM Que Dices~

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"Hermione! Do you think we could integrate muggle technology into the wizarding world by replacing batteries with self-sustaining runes?" Harry looked absolutely frantic as they collapsed into the seat in front of her. "Or do you think the circuitry would also need to be replaced with some magical equivalent?"

"Harry, did you sleep at all? You look terrible!"

"I got like four hours, that's plenty! Now answer the questions!"

"I'm not sure. We could ask someone later. More importantly, why didn't you get more sleep?"

Harry half-ignored her worried look, merely waving her off as they scribbled away at a piece of parchment that was already filled with hundreds of ideas. They were forced to take a break as Ron pushed a plate full of food in front of them and glared until they began eating. Eating with one hand and scribbling down shorthand notes, Harry didn't notice Sirius sneak up behind him until Aspen nipped at his ear.

"What can I do for you, Snuffles?"

"How did you know I was here?"


The snake in question popped his head out of the collar of Harry's uniform, causing mass panic as the other gryffindors, Hermione and Ron not included, scrambled to get away from him. Aspen was then laughing in their ear, quite enjoying the chaos they sewed.

Harry just stood up, grabbing a piece of toast and left to their first lesson, completely ignoring the furious whispering from the other students. They couldn't care less how the rest of the school would take them owning a snake after last year. By the time the other students caught up, they were sitting in their normal seat in History of Magic, book open and ready to self study again this year. The class was two days a week, so they had plenty of time to nap in class later.

Third year was when they were supposed to begin learning about different races and their cultures. The first lesson was on Vampires and Vampyres. Yes, they were two different things. A vampire is a non-magical being who survives off of blood, they can't turn anyone else, and they were treated nearly as bad as werewolves. The creatures were also not covered in the treaty between Wizards and Vampyres. They were seen as separate creatures, but were ultimately controlled by their magical cousins.

Vampyres, on the other hand, were magical beings with a complex metabolism and even more complex culture. The proper way to greet a vampyre above your stature was to offer your wrist, they wouldn't normally drink from the greeter, but it was seen as polite. There were hundreds of other complex rituals and traditions that were needed to gracefully move through an encounter with a Vampyre. It was all incredibly fascinating!

After History was Herbology, where they were meeting in greenhouse 3. Today they were each assigned a Preening Petunia, a plant that was incredibly vain and needed near constant attention to grow. They would need to have a healthy flower by the end of the month. This was, of course, harder than expected. The small sprouts were already being incredibly stubborn.

Hermione was trying to coax the little flower into blooming, telling it facts about itself from the textbook. Ron had somehow annoyed his plant and was being smacked by one of the small roots. Dean seemed to be telling his the entire plot of the first Star Wars movie. The Slytherins weren't having much better luck: Draco's seemed to have fainted, Crabbe and Goyle's were ignoring them. On the other hand, Neville's was already blooming well as he offered it gentle encouragement and honest compliments.

Harry's was also blooming. They were not doing much, merely misting the plant and singing softly. The song was one they had learned when they were growing up, one Aunt Petunia would allow to play over the radio in the kitchen when she cleaned. It was sung by Elvis Presley, one muggle singer that they could honestly say they loved to listen to. Apparently, his petunia seemed to like the singer as well as they switched to another one of his songs.

Everything seemed to be so calm and lovely. They enjoyed the rest of class before placing their plant onto the table littered with preservation charms. Next was lunch, which would no doubt be eventful after breakfast.

Instead of sitting at the Gryffindor table, Harry veered off and sat in front of Luna at the Ravenclaw table. He had noticed she wasn't wearing her shoes nor did she have her book bag with her. If there was one thing that they hated more than anything, it was bullies. And gods help the poor bastards who decided to pick on Luna Lovegood.

"Hey little moon! Where's your shoes?"

"Oh! The nargles took them. They should be back in a few days."

"Really?" Harry began looking around the table, keeping an eye out for anyone who seemed to be worried about their conversation topic. Three girls were fidgeting an awful lot near them. "And have you told Professor Flitwick about these nargles?"

"I did once, but that made them angry, so now I just wait for them to get bored."

"Luna, I'll make you a deal, if your belongings don't turn back up by dinner, I'll help you look for them, And I'll even make sure the nargles leave you alone afterwards, sound good?"

The boy, he/him pronouns that day, merely gave them a toothy smile before starting their lunch. The two had ham and cucumber sandwiches and strawberries as a treat. Harry basically interrogated him on how his day had been going, which other than the missing belongings was surprisingly well.

After lunch, Harry had charms class where they were learning the theory for and practicing the Cheering Charm. One that Hermione had taught them and Ron last year when the suspicions were getting to be too much. They would probably do what they did last year: have a tiny mock battle of cheering charms! It was always so much fun!

"Hello class! Today we're beginning the third year charms curriculum, isn't it exciting?" Professor Flitwick squeaked out from atop his tower of books. "Now the spell was originally made by Felix Summerbee in the mid-15th century! He created the charm to cheer up his wife, who suffered from depression. The incantation is Laetificet. Pronounced Le-tee-fee-chet, now without wands, practice the incantation!"

The class was filled with the sounds of dozens of voices mumbling the word, which was a little bit more difficult than the charms last year. The trio were helping the others around them get the pronunciation correct, including the slytherins who needed help. Draco, despite his sneering, got the hang of the spell quickly after Harry slowed it down for him and Blaise Zabini.

"Wonderful! Would anyone like to try out the spell?"

Three eager hands shot up before a few others also hesitantly raised. Flitwick chose Ron and Harry to demonstrate with Ron casting. They both grinned viciously before Ron cast the spell. It made contact with Harry's chest before they burst into peals of laughter. It took a minute to calm down after the spell was released.

The rest of the time was spent practicing the spell, or in the trio's case it was split between helping the others and subtly casting the charm at each other. So far, Hermione had nailed both of them with the charm more than both of them combined could get her. After homework was assigned, a foot on the different ways the spell could counteract depression, and the bell had rung, they rushed to the common room to finish their homework before dinner.

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