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The Professor called me into his office one bright morning.

"What is it, professor?" I asked sleepily. He cleared his throat.

"Well, dear, I'm afraid I must downgrade to a small cottage. I'm getting old and losing money," I frowned at his statement, "I would ask you to pack up your stuff as quickly as possible, you will be moving in with a quaint family, the Scrubbs." I furrowed my brows, unfamiliar with the family, "I cannot house you, for I am housing Peter."

My eyes lit up, "Peter? Peter Pevensie? Would you please say hello for me?" he nodded, smiling, but clearly tired. He waved me out of his office, implying I should pack.

I walked into my room, admiring the loveliness of it for the last time. Mrs. Macready knocked on my door which was slightly open, "You have a letter, Y/N."

My heart fluttered as I grabbed the letter, from who I thought it was, Ed.

I quickly opened the letter.

My Dear Y/N,

I miss you so very much. These almost two years that have passed have been absolutely treacherous, especially when I can't see your beautiful face or hear your room-filling laugh every day.

I've been trying to apply to the military for months, but they won't let me in. Lucy thinks it is irrational for me to want to join the army, but I would be good for them. I am a King, after all.

What's going on in your life? Staying with my cousin is terrible. I wish I could trade him for you.


Your Ed.

I smiled, hearing his voice in the words I read, I put the piece of paper and dated it before putting it in a box, which I kept all of his letters in.

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started to write back.

My Dear Edmund,

I miss you more than you will ever know. My life has been calm ever since you left, no more excitement for me. Sometimes I find myself wanting you to crash a cricket ball through the window.

Ed, you're 17, going on 18; you'll be able to get in the military soon, love. As much as I hate the idea of you going to war, I'll support you no matter what. And you are not just a king, you're my King.

I just received terrible news. The Professor told me this morning that he lost quite a bit of his money, and will be downgrading to a simple cottage. He told me that he will be housing your brother, so that's a plus.

But, he said that I had to move to someone's house, so I told him to say hello to Pete for me.

I wish you and your cousin will become better friends, Ed. And maybe, I'll be a bit closer to you soon.

And, happy early birthday.


Your Y/N.

I folded the letter and put it neatly in an envelope. I set it on my desk before pulling out my trunk to start packing.


About 2 weeks later, it was time to leave the mansion. Mrs. Macready packed my things in the back, and she was shocked I only took two small trunks.

I passed my Narnian study as I started for the stairs, a tear escaping my eye.

She dropped me off at the train station, and I took the train to London.


I stood in front of the house the Professor instructed me to go to. I gulped as I knocked on the front door, a little blonde boy answering it. "You must be Y/N." I weakly smiled as he quickly
ushered me into the house, "You can take your things up to the room upstairs at the very end to your right." I nodded quietly and he went back to whatever he was doing. He's kind of a brat.

I quickly walked up the steps. I took his instructions and went to the room on the right.

The girl hadn't decorated much, only a few things on her nightstand and some pieces of paper on a wall. I set my trunk down and immediately grabbed my book and started reading.


"I'm home!" I called to no one in particular "Hello!" I turned the corner placing our bags in the kitchen, "Hello, Uncle Harold. I tried to find some carrots, but all they had were turnips again. Shall I start making soup?" I asked our uncle. "Aunt Alberta's on her way home. Uncle Harold?"

"Father. Edmund's making faces at you." Eustace interjected.

"Why you little-" Edmund started charging at Eustace before I caught up with him

"Father, he's gonna hit me!"

"Edmund, look!" I said, getting Edmund's attention, "it's from Y/N!" His eyes widened and softened. He really liked her. He snatched the letter out of my hand and walked over to a seat to read it.

I quietly walked up the stairs, slowing down when I heard humming coming from my room. Familiar humming.

I slowly continued to walk up to the door, and slowly opened it. A girl was sitting on the other bed in my room, reading a book and humming away. The door creaked and she stopped humming and put her book down.

I looked at her shocked. "Y/N?"


"Lucy?" I asked back when I recognized my basically little sister. I put my book on the bed and ran up to her, embracing her in a tight hug, "You've grown." I added, noticing she was as tall, maybe a little taller, as me.

She sat me down on my bed, catching up with me when someone came bursting into the room, plopping in Lucy's bed, not even noticing me. I looked over to see Edmund, and I bit my lip to contain my excitement.

"Man, I miss her so much." Edmund said, smiling and clenching a piece of paper.

"Miss who?" He shot up when he heard an unfamiliar, but familiar voice. He looked over at me, and his eyes lit up brighter than ever. I smiled and laughed back at him.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now