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I was next, "Now for this beautiful young lady, perfect for your every need," He said, slightly pushing my shoulder as the men in the crowd laughed. How revolting.

"100!" "150!" "160!"

"Any more? Sold!" A sold sign was placed around my neck and I was pushed over to where Lucy was, "And now, for this...fine specimen. Who'll kick off the bidding?" The trader said, dragging Eustace up to the platform. No one responded, "Come on now, he may not look like much, but, uh, he's strong."

"Yeah, he's strong, all right." "Smells like the rear end of a Minotaur!" The crowd laughed at the comments

"That is an outrageous lie!" Eustace whined. Eustace, "I won the school hygiene award-" I cut him off by using my power to shut his mouth, which just caused him to mumble. The men laughed.

"Come on, someone make a bid!"

"I'll take them off your hands. I'll take them all off your hands!" A man in a cloak said, taking off the cloak to reveal Reepicheep and Drinian. A few other men came out of nowhere and started attacking, "For Narnia!"

Thank Aslan. I used my power to break Lucy and my chains.

I built up my power, humming to enhance my power. Someone grabbed me from behind, "Not so fast, young lady, you still belong to me," I froze as the man behind me held me tight. I was unable to move.

One of his hands moved to my breast, cupping and rubbing it. I held my breath, squeezing my eyes shut.

Suddenly, I heard a very angry yell and the man let go of me, leaving me to fall to the ground, "Love, are you alright?" I heard Edmund's voice and tears started pooling in my eyes.

I turned back to him, standing up and giving him a hug around his neck while sobbing.

"Aw, hey, you're safe now," He said, holding his sword hand out and his other arm around me, "But let's hug later, I have to help the others," He finished, letting me go.

I composed myself a little and brought my powers back to help.

I looked around and saw that Caspian and Lucy were fighting and intact, and a sigh of relief washed through me.

Everyone who was bad was defeated, and the good citizens cheered for us as we walked out. I waved and clung to Ed's arm, trying to put on a smile as we walked through the crowd.

"Your Majesty. Your Majesty!" A commoner said to Caspian.

"Hold it!" Drinian stopped the man, but he continued to plead.

"My wife was taken just this morning."

"It's all right, Drinian." Caspian said, Drinian letting go of the poor man.

"I beg you, take me with you."

"I want to come!" A little girl, assuming it was his daughter, said to the man.

"No, Gael, stay with your aunt," He said, pushing her away and turning to Caspian, "I'm a fine sailor. Been on the seas my whole life."

"Of course, you must," Caspian granted as we walked towards the docks. My smile fell.

"My king! My king!" An old man called. He was from one of Caspian's drawings, "This was given to me by your father. I hid it safely in a cave all these years."

"That's an old Narnian sword," Edmund added.

"It's from your Golden Age," the man continued. The mention of our Golden Age made me genuinely smile at Edmund, who was smiling back at me, "There are seven such swords, gifts from Aslan to protect Narnia. Your father entrusted them to us. Here, take it," Caspian looked up at the man, unsure whether to obey or not, "And may it protect you."

Caspian took it, inspecting the crusted sword, "Thank you, my lord. And we shall find your lost citizens," Edmund put a hand on my back as Caspian started walking over to the docks. Before we got there, Caspian handed him the sword, "Edmund," Ed took it, inspecting it the same way Caspian had. I leaned on his shoulder and looked at it too.


We all got back on the boat and I darted to Lucy and my room, leaving Edmund very confused. I jumped in my hammock and immediately broke down crying.

Not long after, I heard a gentle knock. Then the door creaked open, revealing my basically-sister, "Y/N? Is everything alright?"

I started sobbing, and Lucy ran over to my hammock, engulfing me in a tight hug, "I just got groped by one of the bad men. It was the worst feeling ever."

"Aw, Y/N/N," Lucy whispered, rubbing my back, "Do you want Edmund?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I want you, right now. Edmund later. I need girl time." She lightly giggled, happy I wanted to spend time with her.

"What do you normally do to calm yourself down?" Lucy asked, breaking the hug.

I usually think about Narnia or the Pevensies, which makes me cry even more, but now they're both here. The things I normally do require not being on a boat, like picking flowers or sitting outside in the garden. So what do I do when I'm upset? Let's say that I sketch. Which wasn't a complete lie.

I got up and pulled out a piece of paper from the desk. I felt Lucy's presence from behind me as I started sketching the Dawn Treader,

"I'm going to tell Edmund the news and tell him you'll talk to him later. I'm sure he's busy working at that sword, anyway." She said, giggling, which made me lightly giggle, too, "Speaking of Edmund, Y/N," She turned back in the room, slowly shutting the door, "Have you ever thought about marrying him?" My head shot up to look at her, "Is this a bad time?"

"No, not at all," I shook my head, "I've actually been wanting to talk to you about it."

"Well, hold on," she said as she quickly ran out the door.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now