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Our boat swiftly landed on the beach of Aslan country, which I had longed to see ever since I heard about it.

Edmund helped me out of the boat as I watched Caspian inspect the beach, walking towards the water. Ed pulled me into a side hug as we surveyed our surroundings.

I started to pull away from Ed's side hug, but he grabbed my hand, pulling me back.

"Wait, Y/N," He said, locking eyes with me for a moment before glancing behind me. I turned around to see Caspian nodding at Ed, a smirk playin on his lips. He walked away as I felt Edmund shift.

I turned around to see Edmund, my one true love, down on one knee. He was even in the water, causing the flower filled water to soak his legs.

"Um," He started, "Y/N L/N, I've loved you for 1300 years, and I've been waiting 1300 years to do this. You're my lifeline, you keep me sane, and I can't imagine living without you. You're my Narnia. So I ask you, do you want to spend forever with me? Will you marry me?" By this time, I was trying to control my sobbing. Too many things were happening at once, and I loved it.

The ring he was holding was immaculately and perfectly created. The gem was yellow, and the whole thing looked exactly like my crown. It was perfect; when I think of him, I think of Narnia. He is my Narnia.

I finally had the strength to say something through my soft sobs, and I ended up yelling, "YES!" He stood up with the biggest smile on his face as I jumped on him with a hug.

I heard soft chuckles from the company behind us, which was a way to leave off the sadness for a moment.

The two of us joined Caspian and the rest, forming a line, and walked towards the interesting, upside-down waterfall.

I felt a presence behind us and quickly stopped in my tracks and turned around. I smiled, tears pooling in my eyes.

Eustace noticed my stop and turned as well, "Aslan," The rest of the group turned and smiled.

"Welcome, children," Aslan boomed, walking in front of us, "You have done well. Very well indeed," He turned to us, "You have come far,and now your journey is at its end."

"Is this your country?" Lucy asked.

"No, my country lies beyond," Aslan said, looking into the water.

Caspian followed his eyes, "Is my father in your country?"

Aslan turned back to Caspian, "You can only find that out for yourself, my son," He paused, studying the young king's glance and knowing what he wanted, "But you should know that if you continue, there is no return."

Caspian walked up to the waterfall and put his hand in the water, feeling the rush. After a minute, he took his hand back out.

He walked back to us, tears pooling in his eyes. I could tell he was deep in thought.

"You're not going?" Edmund suddenly asked.

"I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for," Caspian said, his voice cracking ever so slightly, "I spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom. A people," He paused and walked over to Aslan, "I promise to be a better king."

Aslan nodded, "You already are. Children."

Lucy started moving towards the water before Edmund stopped her, "I think perhaps it's time we went home actually, Lu."

Lucy paused, "But I thought you loved it here," I nodded in agreement; even though I didn't want to leave, I knew we had to. Lucy looked back at me, "Y/N?"

"He does. I do," I lightly grabbed her hand, "But we love home and your family as well. They need you." I finished and Lucy pulled me into a tight hug.

Reepicheep stepped forward, "Your Eminence," he bowed before Aslan, "Ever since I can remember, I have dreamt of seeing your country. I've had many great adventures in this world, but nothing has dampened that yearning," Tears started to pool in my eyes as I let go of Lucy and listened to Reep. Ed wrapped his arm around me, "I know I am hardly worthy, but with your permission, I would lay down my sword for the joy of seeing your country with my own eyes."

Aslan looked down on Reep with a smile, "My country was made for noble hearts such as yours, no matter how small their bearers be."

Reep bowed before the lion again, "Your Majesty."

Caspian chimed in, "No one could be more deserving."

"Well, I-"

"It's true," Edmund interrupted, giving a small bow after his arm slipped off of me. I gave a small curtsy and Reep smiled.

Lucy looked at Reep longingly before kneeling in front of him, "May I?" Knowing what she wanted, I knelt next to him too.

"May we?" I added.

Reep chuckled, "Well, I suppose. Just this-" He was interrupted by a smashing group hug from the both of us, "Goodbye, Lucy. Goodbye, Y/N."

I put him back down on the ground and Lucy and I went back to the others while Eustace went to Reep.

As Eustace talked to Reep, I looked at Edmund, trying to comprehend that he is my fiancé now.

Suddenly, Reep was off to Aslan's Country in a tiny boat. I held Lucy's hand as tears streamed down my face.

As Reep went over the water, Lucy spoke to Aslan, "This is our last time here, isn't it?"

Her words sent a wave of sadness over me, "Yes," Aslan responded, making my heart drop, "You have grown up, my dear one. Just like Peter and Susan," I smiled at the thought of Peter and Susan.

"Will you visit us in our world?"

"I shall be watching you, always."


"In your world, I have another name. You must learn to know me by it. That was the very reason you were brought to Narnia. That by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there."

"Will we meet again?"

Aslan sighed lowly, "Yes, dear one. One day." With that, he let out an ear-shattering roar, which opened a water portal to what I would assume is our world. I let more tears slip.

Edmund grabbed my hand and I grabbed Lucy's hand as we approached Caspian, "You're the closest thing I have to family," He paused and looked at Eustace, "And that includes you, Eustace."

Eustace chuckled, "Thank you."

I let go of Edmund's hand as he bear-hugged Caspian. I could see his happiness about me, but his sadness for Narnia. Next, Lucy hugged him while Edmund nodded at Aslan.

I approached Caspian while Lucy went to Aslan, "Caspian."

"Y/N," He said with a smile, pulling me into a hug, "Congratulations on your new husband."

I smiled at the thought, "Thank you, for that, and for ruling over Narnia. You are truly the best king Narnia could ask for," I felt the weight of my necklace on my chest.

I took off my necklace and placed it on his neck, which looked quite funny, so I used my power to make it look more masculine.

"I hope you will never forget us."

"I will entrust it with my life," He responded, hugging me tightly again.

I left him to go talk to Aslan, "Queen Y/N. The Powerful. You truly deserve your title." I smiled, tears pooling in my eyes at the thought of never getting my power back. Aslan leaned in closer and I buried my head in his mane, "I'll tell you a secret, child. Your power lives on, even in your world, you just have to believe in it." I detached myself from him and mouthed a thank you.

I curtseyed and walked towards Edmund, who had his hand out.

Eustace talked to Aslan quickly and headed our way. I took Lucy's hand in my other hand as we walked toward the water portal.

The four of us stepped into the portal and looked back at our old Narnian lives. Tears spilled out of my eyes as my hair blew in the wind of the portal.

Then, I made the mistake of blinking.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now