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"What food did you find?" Caspian said as we all returned to the beach.

"It's volcanic, your Majesty. Not much grows."

"Where's Eustace?" Lucy commented, looking around.

"I believe he's out, not helping us load the boats." Reep joked. I looked around for the boy as well.

"Eustace!" Lucy called.

"Eustace!" I called as well.

"Edmund, I've got a bad feeling."

"I'll go find him," Edmund said, raising his eyebrows, which implied me to come.

"I'll come with you," Caspian butted in, causing Edmund to look at him, then back at me. I nodded him on, letting him know that he needed boy time.

I turned around to head for the row boats. We left one for the boys, "I see you and Edmund made it right." Lucy said, smiling.

I scoffed, smiling, "Spell-Edmund is my least favorite Edmund," I commented, making her laugh.

"I'm so happy for you two," She said, looking out at the sea, "You two will have the cutest babies. Which I will be visiting all of the time."

I blushed and rolled my eyes at her comment.


Lucy, Gael, and I stood out on the deck, spending girl-time together. We were interrupted by a loud roar.

Lucy and I looked over the railing to the island. Luct turned to Drinian, "What was that?
Another roar, followed by a patch of fire, "Is it the volcano?" Gael asked.

"Oh, no. That's no volcano," Drinian said, inspecting the island and walking onto main deck, "All hands on deck there! Archers, arm yourselves!"

My eyes widened as I saw a dragon coming out from the island. Edmund.

I quickly started singing to harness power.

The dragon flew around the ship and landed on the sail, "What's it doing?" Lucy screamed, clutching Gael to her chest. I formed a bow out of my power.

"Fire!" Drinian commanded, but I didn't fire. Something about the dragon was unusual. Reep stabbed his toe with his sword and the dragon flew away.

The dragon came back moments later, holding something in his claws. He got closer and I saw it was Edmund. I took a deep breath in, "Edmund!" I screamed.

"Y/N! Lucy!" he shouted back, the dragon carrying him away. I quickly harnessed my power again and jumped off the boat, yellow pillars coming up for me to run on.

"Edmund!" I yelled as I jumped for him, grabbing onto one of the dragon's claws. He pulled me up into the dragon's hands and held me tight, "Are you alright?" I asked and he nodded.

The dragon carried us over a black part, with carvings made out of lava. They spelled: I AM EUSTACE.

"You have got to be joking," Edmund stated as Eustace carried us back to shore.


"He must have been tempted by the treasure," Edmund said, holding me tightly. Lucy looked at Eustace.

"Anyone knows a dragon's treasure is enchanted," Caspain stated, earning a look form Eustace, "Well, anyone from here."

Lucy walked over to him, taking off the tight bracelet he wore, "Is there any way to change him back?" Edmund asked.

"Not that I know of."

"Aunt Alberta will not be pleased," Edmund joked, looking at Eustace. He grunted and slammed his claw down.

"Sorry about the hand, old boy," Reep commented, "I can be a little overzealous at times." He earned a low growl.

"The boats are ready, Sire," I looked up at Edmund, who was bravely looking to sea. I booped him with my finger causing him to look at me weird.

"You're very cute when you do that," I added, earning a temple kiss from him.

"Drinian, you and the others take one boat back. The rest of us will stay here till morning and work out what to do," Caspian ordered, eyeing the two of us and smirking.

"But you've no provisions, and no means of staying warm, your Majesty." Just as the crew member said that, Eustace reathed fire on a stick, causing it to go up in flames.

"You were saying?" Reep joked. I giggled and everyone started to chuckle.


"I've never seen these constellations before," Ed said as we both stared up at the night's sky, side by side.

"Me neither," I added, surveying the beautiful galaxy above us. Edmund put his arm around me, pulling me closer, "We're a long way from home."

"I'd rather be here than home," He said, kissing my forehead, "With you," I smiled at the thought, holding up my hand to look at the 'ring'.

"When we get home, we'll build our own Narnia."

"I like that," Edmund snuggled into me, kissing my forehead again, then kissing my temple, then my cheek, then my chin, and then I met his lips in a long, tender kiss, "Don't leave me tomorrow morning again."

I giggled, "No promises."


"Everybody!" I heard Lucy call. I sat up and saw the Blue Star, causing me to nudge Edmund awake. He groaned, not wanting to get up.

"Come on, love," I said, kissing his forehead tenderly. He smiled and sat up, leaning into my ear.

"I want a good-morning-kiss every morning," I scoffed and turned his head with my hand. He gasped as he saw the star.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now