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"My guess is something doesn't want us to get there," Drinian explained as I walked up to Edmund, Caspian, and Drinian. Ever since we left the island, there's been no wind, so everyone has to row the boat, "Can't you like, make wind, or something?"

I slipped my hand into Ed's hand, squeezing it, "I don't think so," Drinian walked away from us, surveying the ship. I looked up at Edmund and kissed his cheek.

He looked at me and smiled as he wrapped his hand around my waist to pull me closer. I wrapped my arms around his torso, burying myself in his chest, "What's wrong, darling?" He asked tenderly. I shrugged, enjoying his embrace.

Suddenly, something shook the ship, causing everyone and everything to stumble over. Edmund and I fell, but Edmund's arm broke my fall, "Ooh, you okay, love?" I asked, sitting up to let him get up. He nodded, looking around the ship to see what we hit.

"What did we hit?" Caspian asked, the crew shuffling around the deck. Edmund helped me up, pulling me close again.

"Edmund, look!" I said, pointing at Eustace the dragon, pulling the head of the ship with his tail.

"Eustace, that's brilliant!" Edmund shouted, smiling. The men cheered him on as we were carried to the next island.

Edmund brought me down to the Captain's quarters with Caspian, and he and I went out on the little balcony to enjoy the fresh air.

"We can't be sure the other lords even made it to Ramandu's Island," Caspian commented. I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Caspian," I said, causing him to look up at me, "I have confidence we will find something there," He smiled at me, and I went back out to the balcony, leaning on the railing.

"Y/N," Edmund said, leaning on the railing next to me. I turned to look at him, "I love you."

I giggled and pushed myself off the railing. I placed my hands on his shoulders and made my way down to his chest, then leaned up for a kiss.

I don't kiss him on the lips often, and I don't know why; it's so refreshing. He dove into the kiss, deepening it with every second. We've never kissed this long before.

He pulled my waist closer to him and I felt his tongue graze my upper lip. I was about to let him in when Caspian interrupted us, "Alright, lovebirds."

Ed and I broke our kiss, the three of us laughing as we exited the room.

We walked up onto the deck as we saw Eustace pulling us towards a lush island. He did it.

By nightfall, some of us were exploring around the mountain. I held tight onto Ed's hand.

Edmund brought his torch and shined it everywhere, hoping to find something. We approached a table abundant with food and candles. I furrowed my brows.

"Mmm, food," A minotaur said, reaching for some food. Caspian stopped him.

"Wait," Caspian continued to inspect the table. Ed shined his light on three men that were seated at the table. I gasped, causing the others to point their swords at the men.

Edmund squeezed my hand, letting me know that I was safe. Caspian came to inspect the men, "Lord Revilian, Lord Mavramorn, Lord Argoz," Lucy came to touch one of them but quickly jerked back her hand, "He's breathing," Caspian added.

"So are they," Edmund said, looking at the two others.

"They must be in some sort of petrified state; a spell," I added.

"It's the food!" Caspian spectualted, causing some of the crewmates to drop the food they were holding. I picked up an apple from the center of the table, inspecting it.

"Hey," Edmund called, "It's the stone knife. This is Aslan's table."

"Their swords," Caspian said, running to find the swords. He handed them to Edmund who handed one of them to me, "On the table," I obeyed Caspian and put the sword I was given on the table. Lucy, Caspian, and Edmund put theirs on the table as well.

"That's six," Edmund stated.

"We're still missing one," I added, clinging back to Edmund's arm. Suddenly, the six swords began to glow under the blue starlight.

"Look!" Lucy called, pointing to the star. The blue star that was once in the sky made it's way down to the ground, causing Caspian to slowly pull out his sword. Edmund grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

The star turned into a beautiful woman, glowing in every aspect. My grip on Edmund loosened a little, "Travelers of Narnia, welcome," The crew began to fall slowly on their knees, "Arise. Are you not hungry?" She commanded, and the crew began to stand up.

Edmund looked entranced by her, and I stepped away from him, my heart tearing. Does he want her more than me?

"Who are you?" He asked. Honestly, I was entranced by her, too.

"I'm Liliandil, daughter of Ramandu. I am your guide," She explained, walking towards us.

"You're a star?" Caspian asked, Liliandil nodding, "You are most beautiful," He said, also entranced by her beauty.

"If it is a distraction for you, I can change form."

Edmund took a breath in, "No!" Caspian said. It seemed that now Edmund noticed that I had backed away. A subconscious tear fell down my face.

"Please. The food is for you," She announced, waving her hands and lighting the candles, "There is enough for all who are welcome at Aslan's table." I suddenly lost my appetite, beginning to walk away, "Y/N."

I turned around to her gentle voice, accompanied by her gentle face, "How do you know my name?" I asked. She moved closer to me, putting a hand on my back and guiding me elsewhere.

"My father has told me much about you; he said he watched over you during the Golden Age," She explained. We began to walk along the shore of the island, "Have you mastered your power?"

"Well, I'd say so," I said and she nodded, "I wish I was as beautiful as you."

She looked at me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "You are, my dear. Edmund is a lucky man."

I smiled, "How do you know about Edmund?" She giggled and put her hand on my back.

"I know much more than you think I do."

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now