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I scoffed and went back up to the steering wheel to get us back on track. And to keep an eye on crazy Ed.

Edmund started climbing up the ropes to the top of the ship as Caspian and the others threw spears at the serpent. The serpent was stunned and crying in pain by their moves.

The serpent flailed around the top of the ship, causing Edmund to feel its wrath. I watched intently, ready to save him, or anyone, if necessary.

I saw green smoke surrounding my boyfriend and knew he was in trouble. I saw Eustace being held back by that same green smoke at Aslan's table. What can I do?

Y/N. You're the Yellow Witch. You can do anything. My thoughts ran through my head; the first good thing I've told myself all day.

I closed my eyes and watched Eustace being pulled by the green smoke. I used my powers to help him fight the smoke, and it worked. He placed the sword on the table as a blue pillar shot up to the sky.

I opened my eyes to see Ed's sword glowing and that smoke fading away.

"Do it!" Caspian yelled at Edmund.

"Come on!" Edmund yelled as he pointed the sword at the serpent. He can do this, he doesn't even need me.

Look at my boy, all grown up.

He struck the serpent with the sword as it tried to eat him, and the serpent flashed lightning everywhere as it flailed in pain. It fell gracefully into the water, as the death of all of Edmund's bad memories did too.

A piece of light shone down on me, signaling me to help with the dark, gloomy clouds. I smiled and gratefully helped, letting the light come through with my powers.

Lucy came up and stood beside me, "The spell, it's lifting." I turned to look at her as the clouds faded away, "Edmund! Caspian! Look!" Lucy pointed to a few boats she saw, causing me to lower my hands as I let nature do the rest.

Lucy and I ran down to the main deck as we saw Caspain and Ed, "Narnians! Narnians!" Caspian yelled as the crew cheered.

I pressed myself against Ed, and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Mummy!" We heard Gael yell and I flipped my head around to see her and her dad jumping in the water and swimming toward her mum.

Edmund held me in one arm and Lucy in the other as we watched the family unite again. I let a tear slip.

"Let's have them on board! Clear the decks," Caspian yelled, still in business mode. I smiled, watching as Caspian walked over toward us.

Edmund let go of Lucy but still held onto me as the four of us talked in a circle.

"We did it," Lucy said, "I knew we would."

"It wasn't just us, though," Edmund mentioned.

"You mean-" Caspian started, but was interrupted by a yelling voice in the water.

"Hey! Hey, I'm down here, Lucy! Over here!" Lucy walked to the other side of the boat, the rest of us joining her. We leaned over to see the boy, Eustace, "Hey, Lucy. I'm in the water. Lucy!"

"Eustace!" Lucy called.

"I'm a boy again! I'm a boy!" Eustace called happily, making me smile.

"Eustace! I see your wings have been clipped," Reepicheep said, jumping into the water after Eustace, "Where sky and water meet. Where the waves grow ever sweet!" He sang while he tasted the water, "It is sweet! It's sweet! Look! Look!"

We all looked along the outline of the ocean, seeing little white flowers lining the water.

"Aslan's country. We must be close," Caspian added.

"Well, we've come this far," Ed joked. We then decided to clean ourselves up, all going back to our respective rooms except Caspian and Ed.


"Caspian, now that everything's over-" I started but Caspian interrupted me.

"I already had him working on it before this all started, it should be ready by tomorrow."

"You are the best, Caspian."

"I wish you luck in deciding when to give it to her." I chuckled at his comment as he walked away to get changed.


Lucy and I had gone to bed early that night, because of the prior events, and both of us, especially me, were tired.

I completely fell asleep, no nightmares, only good dreams.

I woke up the next morning feeling more alive than ever. I felt like looking pretty today.

I brushed out my hair and left it down, and it seemed Lucy wanted to do the same, and put on a simple pale yellow dress with a brown corset, topping it off with my necklace of course.

I went outside to see the crewmen preparing a boat for us to use. Ed stopped in his tracks when he saw me.

"Woah, I didn't know I was dating a goddess," He commented. I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully as he put his hand on my back.

"You clean up nice too, Pevensie."

The boat was ready, so Caspian, Eustace, Lucy, Edmund, Reep, and I climbed down to it and started sailing off into the flowers.

I attempted to tie flowers into Lucy's hair, but they ended up blowing away, causing us both to giggle.

"So, what was it like when Aslan changed you back?" Edmund asked Eustace, causing the two of us to pay attention.

"No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it myself. Then he came towards me. It sort of hurt, but it was a good pain. You know, like when you pull a thorn from your foot," He described, and it made me realize that I'm glad he changed, "Being a dragon wasn't all bad. I mean, I think I was a better dragon than I was a boy, really," I giggled softly, "I'm so sorry for being such a sop."

"It's okay, Eustace," I added, and he looked back at me and smiled.

"You were a pretty good dragon," Edmund added as he and Caspian rowed the boat.

"My friends, we have arrived," Reepicheep announced as we pulled into a beach-looking area, with a tower of water along the edges.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now