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I watched as Reep and Eustace flew off together, and smiled at the bond they've created.

What a wonderful, unexpected pair of friends, I thought.

Just then, I was snapped out of my thoughts by the voice I loved so much, "How did you even get up there?"

I giggled softly, "It's easy when you have magic."

I turned to look at the boy, who was giving me a protective boyfriend look, "You need to be saving up your power, my dear."

I sighed, "I guess you're right."

"I'll help you down, love," Ed stretched out his hand and pulled me off of the bow of the ship. He jerked my hand, sending me forward into his arms. He held my waist and pulled me in for a kiss.

The kind that still gives me butterflies. Just a light, tender kiss.

We pulled apart and he rested his forehead on mine, "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Edmund."

Edmund pulled away and studied my face, "I know you can do this. Stay. Focused," He accentuated the last words.

"Yes, King Edmund the Just. And I should say the same for you," Edmund smiled and kissed my forehead.

Our moment was interrupted by Caspian and Drinian calling everyone to the upper deck.


Caspian started lecturing once he was sure everyone was on deck, "No matter what happens here," Caspian started, pausing occasionally for emphasis, "every soul who stands before me has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader," Caspian has the green and black smoke behind him, and while I was paying attention to his words, I was concentrated on the looming island, "Together we have traveled far. Together we have faced adversity. Together we can do it again," Ed noticed my worry and pulled me closer to him, which calmed me slightly, "So now is not the time to fall to fear's temptations. Be strong. Never give in," Edmund gulped, "Our world... our Narnian lives, depend on it. Think of the lost souls we're here to save," He paused, "Think of Aslan," My lips twitched into a smile at the lion I missed so much, tears pooling in my eyes, "Think of Narnia."

Caspian quickly stepped down the stairs as crewmen shouted, "For Narnia!"

"For Narnia!" I heard Lucy's little voice belt. I looked at Caspian, who had locked eyes with Edmund, and then looked at my knight in shining armor.

Ed looked down at me, "For Narnia," he whispered as a tear fell down my cheek. He wiped it with his thumb, smiling softly at me.

The air suddenly got thinner as we entered the cave that I'd been dreading. I suddenly heard a million voices in my head, and everything in me was telling me to give up.

I pushed through, regaining my composure and marching to the front of the boat. I wiped my tears and confidently marched up the stairs, my whole body overcome with assurance.

Green smoke started to snake its way towards the boat, and I started singing to protect the boat.

"Someone lights up my heart like the sun, and that someone is you, please believe me," I started singing, my yellow power dancing around the ship to protect everyone from temptation. The green smoke tried to find a way in, but couldn't. It's working.

"You're my starlight when daytime is done, my darling, please darling, believe me," I thought of all the happy memories I've had, and it strengthened my power.

"You're the smile on my lips when I wake, you're a faith that I'll never forsake. No one loves with a love that I bring you, please, believe me, believe me, please-" My shaky voice trailed off as the intrusive thoughts took over.

You're not good enough.
You're going to fail.
You'll die.
These people will die at your hands.
No one loves you.
He doesn't love you.

I fall to my knees and watch as the protective barrier failed, causing the smoke to weave through people.

I watched as I saw people's temptations surround them. I wondered why I could see them now, but not before.

The sailor with his wife, Caspian with his father, and Edmund, with the White Witch.

My eyes filled with tears, "No, no," I tried to yell, but ended up speaking softly. My legs felt weak, so I crawled across the deck to the railing, propping myself up on the railing. I watched as the Witch taunted Edmund

"Edmund, come with me. Be my king," The Witch's voice taunted, "I'll let you rule."

"No," I weakly said, "He's my King," I tried to get her with something, but was too weak to do much else.

"Go away. You're dead," Edmund stated. I started moving my way down towards him and everyone else.

"You can never kill me. I'll always be alive in your mind, silly boy," The Witch finished.

"No!" He shouted, loudly, as I limped to Lucy, who put her arm under me to hold me up.

"Edmund?" She yelled at him, and he whipped around to her, "Are you all right?"

"Y- oh my," He cut himself off, not noticing me at first, "Are you okay?"

"I-" I started but was cut off by loud moaning.

"Save your breath," Edmund picked me up and carried me back to the bow of the ship while looking for the source of the hollering. Although my ears were ringing, I could hear what the voice was saying.

"Keep away! Keep away!" The mysterious shaky voice said.

"Who's there?" Edmund yelled, holding me like a baby and giving me water. I quickly drank the water.

"We do not fear you!" Caspian shouted.

"Nor I you!" The voice shouted back. Edmund grabbed his torch and me, walking down to the main deck. I was starting to walk better so I let him go ahead of me. He shined it towards the voice and we saw a ragged man, "Keep away!"

"We will not leave," Caspian stated.

"You will not defeat me," the man said, waving his sword around.

"Caspian," My shaky voice croaked as I walked up to the railing, "Caspian, his sword," Edmund put his other arm around me as Caspian inspected the man.

"Lord Rhoop!" Caspian yelled.

"You do not own me!" Lord Rhoop yelled.

"Stand down," The crew followed his orders, "Let's get him on board, quickly."

The crew gets ready to help before Eustace flies behind him and brings him to the ship. The Lord stands alertly, read to fight.

"Be calm, my lord."

"Off me, demon!"

"No, my lord. We are not here to hurt you," Caspian carefully approaches the man, "I am your king, Caspian."

"Caspian?" The Lord turns to look at Caspian and strokes his face, "My lord? You should not have come," He stands, "There's no way out of here. Quickly, turn this ship about, before it's too late!" Edmund pulls me closer as the Lord runs around the ship frantically.

"We have the sword. Let's go!" Edmund says to Caspian. Caspian nods to Drinian.

"Let's turn her about, Drinian," Caspian commanded. I placed my hand on Edmund's chest, looking into his eyes. I ran, as well as I could, back to the bow of the ship.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now