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Our life together is perfect; it couldn't be more perfect. 

With our little cottage, our perfectly minimal honeymoon, and our wonderful wedding, this year's events have been nothing but perfect.

After waking up a little earlier than Ed this morning, I made an excellent breakfast. Ed came into the kitchen like a little kid smelling pancakes.

"What are you making, love?" He asked, giving me a kiss on the cheek as he passed by. I smiled at his cheesiness.

"Eggs and toast," I said, flipping and stirring the eggs, "What, do you want some?" He rapidly nodded, earning a laugh from me, "Aren't you supposed to be at work, sleepyhead?"

"Today's my off-day," He said, sitting down at the dining table, "And, I was planning on going into town for groceries and such. Do you want to come?"

I acted like I was thinking about it as I grabbed out toasts, "I'll think about it," I said before shooting him a wink. I dished him some eggs and a piece of toast.

"I don't know if you have a choice in the matter," He joked, digging into his breakfast.

"Eddie, honey, slow down," I scolded, and he ignored me and kept eating. I playfully rolled my eyes.

After we ate, I got ready for the day as I heard our doorbell ring.

"Ed!" I shouted. I heard a groan and then a door creak, followed by muffled voices.

"Honey, get out here as soon as you can!" Edmund shouted, seemingly excited. I quickly finished and stepped out into our living room to see two esteemed guests.

I gasped, "Peter! Lucy!" I ran to hug my siblings. Yes, siblings, now. 

"Y/N!" Peter chuckled into our hug. I broke his hug before giving Lucy extra squeezes in our hug.

"I don't think we've seen you two since the wedding!" Edmund said, earning a nod from me. We talked for a little bit before Edmund stood, "Well, would you guys like to join us on a trip to town? We were planning on going today."

"I don't see why not," Lucy commented, smiling at our tiny cottage, "Well, come one then! Let's get going!"

I giggled at her eagerness. Ed and I grabbed our things before we made our way to the train station.

"Oh, Y/N, do you still have those singing powers?" Lucy said, daydreaming about our days in Narnia. Peter smiled thinking about it as well. 

Edmund interrupted me before I could say anything, "She sure does! Did I tell you that she created our cottage with her magic?"

I playfully rolled my eyes at my husband's excitedness. He absolutely adored the idea that I made our house with my Narnian magic. Which, when your think about it, is very adorable.

Smiling, I listened to the magical story as Ed told the whole story for me. 

Soon, we made it to the station and prepared our things.

I looked around at the station, "Oh, do you think we'll be taken into Narnia by the train again?" I asked my husband.

He chuckled, smiling, "I wish we could, darling."

The four of us boarded the train together, awaiting our special trip together.


I received a letter that I have yet to open. I had hoped that it was from my beloved sisters or brothers, but Aslan had other plans.

I sobbed as I read it, dropping the piece of parchment to the floor.

Quietly crying, I quickly packed my bags for an emergency flight back to England.


Standing at the very cottage that Edmund and Y/N used to live in made me tear up. Their descriptions did not do it justice; it was truly perfect.

I went up to the podium and prepared myself to speak in front of the few people that attended.

I took a deep breath, "A few weeks ago, on April 24, 1944, Lucy, Peter, Edmund, and Y/N Pevensie died in a train crash, on their way to London. If you didn't know," I paused, fighting back tears, "These were my siblings, and my sister-in-law, that I had spent the most time. It felt like I had been with them for a thousand years. Even though I live in a different country, I could always feel their love. Now that they've passed, it feels like all the warmth in my life has left. Luckily, I have my parents and other friends to keep with me. But, life without the most perfect siblings will never be the same."

I finished my speech, turning a dabbing a few tears as the ceremony ended.

Goodbye, my fellow Kings and Queens, and Royal Witch.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now