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As Edmund made his way down the rope, I stepped back a couple of steps and started singing. To make an easier way to get down.

(A/N: the song is Fun by Pitbull :P)

"Oh, feeling crazy." I started, causing Lucy and Caspian to look at me.

"The moon is up, the night is hazy." Yellow waves started to build up, creating some sort of slide to the bottom.

"Let's get lost in the shadows." I let the slide form to the bottom.

"Somewhere we can go where no one else can go." I stepped back and ran full speed for the slide before jumping on it. I heard Caspian and Lucy laughing as I went down the slide.

Edmund noticed me going straight for a pool in the cave, so he quickly grabbed my wrist as I slid on the ground.

"Loosen up your body til' you come undone," I said, being goofy and pulling him closer. He smiled.

"Loosen up your body baby come undone," I pulled myself so that my back was facing him.

"Loosen up your body til' you come undone," I stuck my butt up against him and grinded on him a little, causing him to freeze up.

"Loosen up your body baby come undone," I turned back around to his tomato-of-a-face and heard Caspian and Lucy, who were already down, laughing their heads off. I joined them as Edmund nervously chuckled.

We all regained our composure and became serious again, "What's that?" Caspian asked, eyeing a gold statue sitting in the pool of water I was about to fall into.

"I don't know. Looks like some sort of gold statue." Edmund replied, far away from me, because of how awkward everything just was.

Edmund grabbed a root off of the cave wall and stuck it in to get the statue out, but it started turning gold. He yelped and threw it back in.

I came up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "He must have fallen in."

"Poor man," Lucy said.

"You mean, 'Poor Lord'," Edmund corrected, pointing at the Lord's shield. He wrapped his hand around my waist, holding me close, and pressed his lips against my ear, "You're going to pay for that little stunt of yours," He smirked, and my eyes widened. Edmund snickered.

"The crest of Lord Restimar," Caspian pointed out.

"And his sword," Edmund finished, pointing to the sword that didn't turn gold.

"We need it." Caspian said as Edmund drew his sword to fetch the sword out.

"Be careful," Lucy said as Edmund hooked the sword and brought it to Caspian, "Your sword hasn't turned to gold."

"Both the swords are magical," Caspian commented while taking the sword. I giggled.

"Do you suppose I could take a swim then?" I joked, causing Lucy to smile.

"He mustn't have known what hit him," Lucy added.

"Maybe," Edmund said, setting down the sword "Or maybe he was onto something." Ed picked up a seashell and bent down to the water

"What are you talking about?" Caspian asked. All of my joking demeanor faded away. I felt the green mist taking over him. This was spell-Edmund.

"Edmund," I called, but he didn't answer. He dipped the seashell into the pond and placed it on the ground.

He picked up the seashell, inspecting it, "What are you staring at?" Lucy asked. I quickly put my arm in front of her.

"Whoever has access to this pool could be the most powerful person in the world," Edmund started, turning to Lucy and me, "Y/N, we'd be so rich. I could get you anything you wanted, and no one could tell us what to do."

I willed my power to knock the shell out of his hand, "No, Ed-"

"You can't take anything out of Narnia, Edmund," Caspain butt in.

"Says who?" Edmund continued, watching as the shell sunk to the bottom.

"I do." Oh no.

"I'm not your subject," Edmund responded, picking up his sword and charging towards him. Lucy grabbed onto me.

"You've been waiting for this, haven't you? To challenge me? You doubt my leadership?

"You doubt yourself."

"You're a child!"

"And you're a spineless sap!"

I went up to Edmund to control him, "Edmund," I reached for him, but he slapped me away, hitting my face. I stood near him, mouth wide open, and looked at Lucy. She looked at Edmund, angry that he did that to me.

"I'm tired of playing second fiddle," Edmund continued, "First, it was Peter, and now it's you! You know I'm braver than both of you. Why do you get Peter's sword? I deserve a kingdom of my own. I deserve to rule!" Tears pooled in my eyes at Edmund's coldness. Lucy ran to the two.

"If you think you're so brave, prove it!" Caspian said as they both drew their swords and started to fight.

"No!" Lucy said, getting between them, "Stop it! Both of you! Look at yourselves. Can't you see what's happening? This place has tempted you. It's bewitching you. This is exactly what Coriakin was talking about," Lucy explained and I quickly willed myself to get out of there. I could hear them talking, "And Edmund! You hit Y/N in the face! Let's just get out of here."

I started crying, taking me back to the time when Edmund was under the Witch's spell.

The three started up the rope while I sat there, head in my knees, hot, a mess, and hurt. I suddenly felt a strong hand caressing my back and I knew it was Edmund.

I turned my head to see him next to me looking down at the sand, "I'm sorry for hitting you," he apologized and I put my head back into my knees.

"I hate spell-Edmund," I mumbled, causing Edmund to chuckle a little bit. I looked up at my sad boyfriend, who had a small smile planted on his face.

"I still promise to get you anything you want, including an awesome engagement ring," I giggled and he looked at my peeking face, "Which reminds me," He trailed off, digging in his pocket. He pulled out a piece of twine with a little rock tied to it, "I know it's not much, but I figured since I'm promising to marry you, it would be like a symbol-"

I didn't let him finish his rambling before I crushed him in a hug. He hugged me back, sitting up to put the 'ring' on me. He smiled as he tied it on my finger, "I'm never going to take it off," I commented, making him chuckle.

I noticed our position when I looked up from my ring to see him smirking, which is me straddling his lap. I scoffed and scrambled off, causing Ed to snicker.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now