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Lucy got up from her bed, smiling at the two of us. When Lucy got up, Edmund got up and tackled me onto my bed. He held me tight, stroking my hair and kissing my forehead.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. I rubbed his back.

"Did you get my letter?" I asked and he hummed in response, "I'm staying here."

"You are?!" Edmund said excitedly. I nodded, smiling. He grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. After a couple of seconds, he broke the kiss and rubbed my cheek. He then furrowed his brows and pulled my chin to the left, "It's still there."


"Your scar." I had never realized it was still there, outside of Narnia.

"Yes, and your music is still magical." Lucy added, inspecting my things, "I could feel the warmth leave the room after you stopped humming."

"I knew you still had magic in the real world."

"What? No, I don't" I interjected.

"Well," Ed started, sitting up and pulling me with him, "I always believed that you did."

Lucy walked back to her nightstand, noticing another letter on it, "Oh, I almost forgot. Susan wrote us a letter." She said before opening and reading it, "'I do wish you were here with us. It's been such an adventure, but nothing like our times in Narnia. America is very exciting... except we never see Father. He works so very hard. I was invited to the British Consul's tea party this week by a naval officer... who happens to be very handsome. I think he fancies me. It seems the Germans have made the crossing difficult right now. Times are hard. Mother hopes you both won't mind another few months in Cambridge.' Another few months? How will we survive?"

"You're lucky... at least you share a room with someone you actually like." Ed said before I nudged him, "I'm stuck with mullet mouth."

"Susan and Peter are the lucky ones. Off on adventures."

"Yeah, they're the eldest and we're the youngest. We don't matter as much."

"Do you think I look anything like Susan?" I went up to her and was about to answer when Edmund distracted himself and us with a painting.

"Lucy, have you seen this ship before?"

"Yes. It's very Narnian-looking, isn't it?" I said as I went next to Edmund, inspecting the painting with him.

"Yeah. Just another reminder that we're here and not there," Edmund added sadly, "but, at least I have some reminder of Narnia," He wrapped his hand around my waist and gently pulled me in.

"There once were three orphans who wasted their time believing in Narnian nursery rhymes." A new voice interjected. I turned to see the little boy who greeted me when I arrived.

"Please let me hit him." Ed stepped towards him and Lucy and I both held him back.

"Edmund." I scolded.

"Don't you ever knock?" Edmund quickly gained his composure and asked.

"It's my house. I'll do as I please," the boy retorted, "You're just guests."

Edmund sighed before introducing me to his cousin, Eustace. He looked me up and down, inspecting me. Edmund noticed and pulled me closer, kissing my temple. The boy wretched. "So this is the Y/N girl you keep rambling about."

I gasp and turn to Edmund, "You talk about me?" I asked, smiling.

"Every chance he gets, Y/N." Lucy added, playfully annoyed, but smiling. Edmund smiled his goofy smile at me before turning back to the intriguing picture.

"What's so fascinating about that picture anyway? It's hideous." Eustace said while planting himself on Lucy's bed.

"You won't see it from the other side of the door." Ed mumbled before I elbowed him, giving him a look. He smiled because I'm adorable.

"Edmund, it looks like the water is actually moving." Lucy commented, making my head whip back towards the painting, which looked like it was moving.

"What rubbish!" Eustace said, and I turned my head back to him; he wasn't even looking at the painting, "See? That's what happens when you read all those fanciful novels and fairy tales of yours."

"There once was a boy called Eustace, who read books full of facts that were useless." Edmund joked, earning an eye roll accompanied with a smile from me.

"People who read fairy tales are always the sort who become a hideous burden to people like me, who read books with real information."

"'Hideous burden'?" Edmund almost yelled as he turned around. I tried to stop him, but he had definitely gotten stronger since the last time I saw him, "I haven't seen you lift a finger since we've been here." Eustace made a b-line for the door, but Edmund stopped him by shutting the door.

Lucy leaned over to me, still studying the painting, "I've found that I can't stop the two from fighting, so I just let them be." I decided it would be wise to take her advice; I turned back to the painting.

"I have a mind to tell your father you stole Aunt Alberta's sweets." Edmund continued, but I seemed to tune them out as Lucy and I noticed the ship coming closer.

"Liar!" Eustace called. A slight breeze started to come off the painting, along with some water dripping from the sides.

"Oh, really?" The slight breeze grew stronger and more water came out.

"Edmund, the painting." I said to Edmund, but he kept up his spite with Eustace.

"I found them under your bed, and you know what? I licked every one of them." the waves seemed to engulf us, the ship inching closer.

"Ugh! I'm infected with you!" Lucy and I were suddenly splashed with water. Eustace was splashed in the back, turning to see Lucy and my excited but shocked faces. "What's going on here?"

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now