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"Do not think!" The Lord suddenly shouted when I was starting towards the stairs, "Do not let it know your fears, or it will become them."

I stopped to clear my mind of thoughts, but I glanced at Edmund, who had closed his eyes. Oh no.

"Oh, no," Edmund, said, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"Edmund," I said sternly, running back to him, "what did you just think of?"

He opened his squeezed eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry," He said before running to the other side of the ship. He looked off the edge as I joined his side.

I grabbed his arm once I saw what he imagined. Sea Serpents.

The ship tossed about, and the lot of us were thrown around the ship. Edmund helped me and Lucy up and ran to the railing.

"Look!" Caspian yelled, pointing at the scales on the serpent's back, "What is that?"

"It's too late. It's too late!" The Lord announced. I watched as the serpent went under the boat.

"Gael!" Lucy screamed. I whipped my head around and saw the serpent on the side of the boat Gael was on. Out of instinct, I pushed her over to Lucy with my power, and Lucy held her tight.

The serpent loomed over us. It seemed to have hundreds of teeth, making me shiver.

It was about to strike, when Eustace attacked it, with help from Reep.

Edmund help me close as we watched the serpent and Eustace fight.

"Out, creature!" The Lord screeched and threw his sword at the dragon.

"No!" I yelled, trying to stop the sword with my power. My nerves had weakened me so much that I could barely do anything.

"No! The sword! The sword!" Caspian shouted as the sword went flying into Eustace's shoulder.

"Eustace!" Lucy cried as Eustace started to fly away, "No! Come back!"

"We're all doomed! Doomed!" The Lord shouted, stomping up to the steering wheel, "Turn this ship about!" He quickly jerked the wheel, causing everyone to fall over. Edmund grabbed me just before I hit the floor.

Drinian started shouting commands when I saw a patch of light with a gull flying out of it, "Of course!" I realized as I ran up to the bow of the ship.

I composed myself as I stood tall, ready to try again. I closed my eyes.

"Summer in the hills, those hazy days I do remember."

"We were running, still had the whole world at our feet," I sang as the ship aligned with the head of the cave.

"Watching seasons change, our roads were lined with adventure," Little yellow balls formed in my hands.

"Mountains in the way couldn't keep us from the sea."

"Here we stand, open arms," Swirls around my head were magically formed into my crown.

"This is home where we are," My crown reflected the sunlight, which cleared us a pathway to go.

"Ever strong in the world that we made."

"I still hear you in the breeze, see your shadows in the trees," I created a pillar for my crown to sit on, and carefully took it off

"Holding on, memories never change," I finished singing and gently placed my crown on the pillar. My crown kept the light flowing as the ship geared out of the cave.

The serpent suddenly shook the whole ship by jumping over it, and I ran down to the main deck. Lucy grabbed Gael's arm and rushed her away, Caspian following, and grabbed onto Ed, "Are you okay?" I asked him frantically.

"Are you okay? He asked back, emphasizing the 'you'. I nodded and looked back at the serpent, who was about to take another go around the ship.

Bursting with confidence, I ran to the edge, catching the serpent with my power as he roared in pain. I pushed him back as best as I could. I heard a sparkle and quickly looked back to the pillar to see that my crown had blipped and landed on my head. My crown gave me that extra boost I needed to send the serpent flying back to the water.

The water splashed everywhere, causing me and some others to get soaked. At least we were safe.

But that didn't stop it enough. I just realized it was wrapped around the boat, so its head came back up immediately.

"Y/N! Ed!" Caspian called, "We'll ram the serpent; smash him on the rocks," My eyes lit up at his idea and I looked at Edmund, who had the same reaction.

Edmund looked at me, "Steer her to port," He said, turning back to Caspian, "I'll keep it on the prow."

Ed climbed into the bow's mouth as I positioned myself on the wheel, putting my crown back in its place.

I saw the serpent biting at the bow and I screamed just as Lucy and Caspian did, "Edmund!"

He seemed to be okay when he climbed to the top of the bow, "I'm still here!" he yelled.

I looked down at Lucy who was drawing her bow with such determination. Like Susan.

"Lucy!" I yelled as I wrapped her arrow in yellow. She glanced at me and knew what was going on. She aimed and perfectly hit the serpent right in his face, my power giving it a shock wave.

"Brace yourselves!" Caspian yelled as I noticed we've gotten very close to the rock. Ed was still standing on the bow as we rammed the serpent.

I immediately ran to try and catch Edmund as he fell down, but I was weak and ended up only breaking his fall.

I was taken aback as I felt power go into my eyes.

I saw Eustace the dragon... and Aslan next to him, scratching the sand. Eustace's scales were tearing off with each scratch. Aslan let out a ferocious roar, sending Eustace into the air and turning him back into a boy. He was placed down on an island. Ramandu's island.

I gained sight back at the ship, and felt Edmund holding me, "Y/N!" I gasped for air and looked at Edmund, the only words I could speak were:

"Eustace. Aslan."

"What?" He puzzled.

"Eustace! And Aslan!"


"Eustace is back at the island, and he's got the sword!" I managed to finish, "We're safe!"

"How do you know this?"

"I- don't know," I puzzled my own words, questioning if it was real.

"We are NOT safe," Caspian called, pointing at the serpent who had just expanded, somehow. Ed stood looking at it in awe and fear, "Move!" Caspian shrieked, toppling me and Ed to the ground.

"Thank you," I called to Caspian, "We should be safe soon." I emphasized.

"For now, we can beat this," Caspian assured. I nodded and looked at my thinking boyfriend.

"We have to get it closer," Edmund said, running off.

My jaw dropped, "Are you insane?" He didn't hear me, so Caspian answered for me.


The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now