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"Okay, I'm back!" Lucy called excitingly running back into the room. She quickly pulled out a chair next to me and sat down, "So, why didn't you ask me?"

"Well, I didn't want you to get involved if you didn't want to," I continued.

"Are you kidding? I'd plan your wedding if you wanted me to. But, what specifically did you want to ask?"

"Um," I started, "Well, does he even want to marry me?"

Lucy stared at me blankly, "Were you doubting?" I hummed in response, looking out the window of our room, "Y/N, he wants to marry you so bad."

I whipped my head back around to her, "Really?" she smiled and nodded vigorously, "Well, I really want him to propose soon. I really want to get married in Narnia."

Lucy jumped from her chair, "He does, too!" I laughed at her reaction and she joined me. The two of us continued to talk for hours.


I woke up the next morning to the smell of fruits, and I rubbed my eyes to see an apple and a peach sitting next to me. Thank you, Lucy.

I quickly ate both before deciding I should talk to Edmund.

I walked out on deck to see Lucy sewing in a corner and Eustace writing in a journal. I nodded at Lucy and made my way for Edmund, who was chipping at his sword. He was so focused he didn't even notice me.

Reepicheep joined him and they both inspected the half shiny sword as Ed held it up, "It's going to be magnificent," I stated, startling Edmund. His eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Just what I was thinking," said Reep as Edmund patted a spot next to him, implying me to sit, "Do they come in a smaller size?" He finished, chuckling. Edmund put his other arm around me, seeing it was time for a break.

"How are you doing, love?" Ed asked. I sighed and put my head on his shoulder, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I thought you saw," I responded, and he slowly shook his head, "the guy that you saved me from? He groped me."

"He what?!" Edmund shouted, standing up in frustration. My eyes widened in shock.

"Careful, Ed. That's a sword."

"Y/N L/N," He started, "Never, never, will I ever let that happen again," I rolled my eyes playfully, "Is that why you were crying?"

I nodded, playing with a strand of my hair. Edmund sat back down and put his arm around me. My hand rested on his thigh and he picked it up and inspected it as I watched the bustling crew.

"You have nice hands," Ed commented.

"Would look better with a ring on it," I mumbled.

"I heard that," Ed said, messing with my left ring finger. I smiled and watch as he very closely inspected my ring finger. Very, closely.

"Edmund," I teased, watching as he inspected my finger. He looked up at my face, my eyebrows raised.

"Nothing!" He let go of my hand and I giggled. I rested my hand back on his thigh as Reepicheep and Eustace were suddenly seen dueling on deck.

Ed and I clapped as the battle finished. Lucy ran over to a knocked-over barrel, and I suddenly saw a piece of pink coming out of it. I immediately stood and walked over to Lucy, "Look," Lucy said to me. It was the girl from the island.

"Gael? What are you doing here?" Her father said, hugging her. Drinian came stomping over, orange in hand.

"Looks like we have an extra crew member." He stated, handing her the orange

"Welcome aboard!" Lucy told the little girl. The girl looked at the two of us.

"Your Majesties," She said and I giggled.

"Call me Lucy," She pointed to herself, "and her Y/N," she pointed to me. I looked at her, nodding for her to take care of her.

I went back to Edmund, but he was standing now. I walked over to him, "What is it?"

He pointed to land. By sunset, we were sailing to the lush land.

Edmund and I ended up talking, watching the sea, and loving on each other the whole evening. Once we approached the land, though, he went up to Caspian and Drinian.

"Ed," I said as we walked across the boat. He hummed in response, "I love you. I feel like I never tell you that."

"I love you, too. And don't worry; you tend to show it a lot more than you say it," he smiled at me as we walked up the stairs

Caspian looked through the telescope, "It looks uninhabited. But if the lords followed the mist east, they would have stopped here."

"Could be a trap," Drinian stated.

"Or it could hold some answers. Caspian?" Edmund added.

"We'll spend the night on shore. Scour the island in the morning." Caspian ordered, looking at me clinging to Edmund's arm, and smirking.


We stayed the night on this beautiful island.

After what happened last time I was by myself on a foreign island, Edmund insisted that we share a sleeping area. I mean, I didn't refuse.

He laid out a bigger blanket for both of us to sleep on, and I got cozy on it immediately. Edmund chuckled as he put a blanket on me and laid down.

"Wow, you two," I looked at Lucy, "You're not married yet." She giggled and I joined her, but Edmund scoffed and pulled me closer.

Edmund's soft snoring soon put me to sleep, his warmth draped over my waist.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now