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Suddenly, we were in the water again, swimming up to the top.

I thought I saw sunlight, but then I saw Ed grab onto a bed.

The water faded away into the painting, and the lot of us were back in our normal clothes, which were completely dry.

I jumped onto Edmund, who was on the bed, and tackled him in a tearful hug.

"Eustace? Eustace," I heard a woman calling, and I assumed it was Aunt Alberta, "What are you doing up there?"

We looked around at each other, marveling that we had all just experienced the same thing.

Eustace hung the painting back up as we got up to leave, and I stood in front of the doorway, tears streaming down my face, as I watched him hang it up.

We all went downstairs, and as I made my way down the stairs, I looked down at my ring finger and noticed my ring was still perfectly perched on my finger.


We left a few months after everything to plan Ed and my wedding, and I knew that Eustace missed us dearly. He would write us often as we stayed with the Professor.

Yes, the Professor. We ran into Peter, too. The Professor made arrangements for us to stay at his cottage while Edmund and I worked out the wedding and the honeymoon, and everything beyond that.

Edmund planned on buying a small cottage, too, and got funding from his mother, as much as she could. The Professor helped as much as he could, as well.

We barely had enough money for many things, so we decided on a small wedding, a small honeymoon, and a small cottage. Just enough for the two of us. We'll work up to more later.


Now, it wasn't often that we were separated, but today was one of those days. He left me to go and look for suits and such. I had already found my dress and was basically ready for the wedding. Which was in 2 months.

I often took walks around the Professor's cottage, and have been passing by this one spot that would be perfect for a small cottage. Every time I would take in the view, it reminded me of a lullaby my mother used to sing.

This time, instead of passing it, I peeked into the cove and started singing.

"Past the fourth turn, by the barn," When I walked into the cove, I saw an old barn kind of off into the trees. My singing caused more yellow dust to emerge, my imagination taking over me.

"Where Mrs Fullman lived till she passed on," The dust began to swiftly twist around me, blowing my hair in the process.

"There is a cottage by the lakeside," As I sang this, the dust formed itself into a small cottage where I was standing, causing me to be in the middle of the tiny living room.

"Where fairies come out at night," I looked around at the small cottage, subtle fairy decals coating the tops of the walls. Knowing what comes next, I imagined where the bedroom would be and walked there. I opened the bedroom door and peeked inside.

"There's a music box in the bedroom," I walked towards the dresser and ran my finger along with the dusty music box.

"It's playing songs from 1922," I sang as the record started spinning. I sat on the bed and found myself laying down on it.

"And if you listen for long enough," I closed my eyes and focused on my singing, "You'll fall asleep and might wake up..."

"Walking in a wonderland," I opened my eyes and willed my magic to make me see what the song was saying. I was still at the cottage, just outside of it, by the lake.

"Played in by a marching band," I walked towards a giant tree growing out of nowhere.

"Reaching for a peach," I sang, reaching up at the tree with purple leaves. A peach was formed and I grabbed it. "from a shiny purple tree."

"A butterfly the size of you," I turn around to see the butterfly, "offers to go flying with you," She turned around to have me climb on, and I abided.

"Climb onto her back," I positioned myself and closed my eyes, "and doze off as you relax."

"Oh, the places in your dreams," I opened my eyes to find myself back on the bed, and I noticed that the room and furniture looked a little more colorful, rather than yellow sparkles, "are they fiction? or a memory?" I got up from the bed, curious to see if the rest of the cottage looked like that, "If you listen for long enough, you'll fall asleep..."

I walked into the living area and noticed the magic deteriorating, and realized that I've had my fun, and I need to be getting back.

I opened the door and walked out, not looking back, for fear that the cottage wasn't there anymore, "Y/N?" I heard a masculine voice call.

"Ed?" I called back, recognizing the voice. Edmund turned the corner, saw me, and smiled before looking past me with a spark in his eyes, "What?" I said, looking back.

Turns out, it's still there, fully existent. Not relying on my magic. The purple tree and everything.

"What- What is this, love?" Edmund asked. A tear slipped out of my eye.

"Me- I- We-" I cleared my throat, "I think I made it."

"You made that. With your magic?" I nodded and pulled him in for a hug.

"For you, my love. For us."

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now