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"Men, behold our castaways: Edmund the Just, Lucy the Valliant, and Y/N the Powerful, High King and Queens of Narnia." Caspian announced, and the three of us looked to the kneeling crowd. I smiled as all the memories from Narnia poured into my mind.

Caspian quickly called us below deck to take us on a quick tour around the boat. My hand, which was quite a bit smaller than Edmund's, latched around Ed's pinky as we were led around the boat. I looked up at Edmund to get his reaction, and this time, he was a flustered mess.

We had to break off because we were to get changed, so Caspian showed Lucy and me to our shared room, while Cas and Ed were bunked with the rest of the crew.

Lu and I stepped into our room, which was comforting; not too big, not too small, with plenty of subtle Narnian decorations, "Y/N/N, we get to room together, this is so exciting." I smiled and giggled at her while sitting on my bed.

"I'm sorry if I cling onto Edmund so much, this will be good for us, to spend time with each other." I smiled weakly and felt that Lucy came to join me.

"I understand; you missed him bunches, didn't you?" I nodded at her question, "Spend all the time with him that you want, but I still would love some Y/N time." I smiled up at her, engulfing her in a sisterly hug, "Now, let's change before we get the bed wet." She giggled.

"Yes, mum." I joked, laughing.


Caspian led us into the captain's quarters, a spacy room with very Narnian embellishments.

"Aslan," Lucy stated, running her hands along with the gold carving in the wall. She explored the room, her eyes landing on a stand with a bow and arrow on it. She tugged at my shirt, "Look, Susan's bow and arrows." I smiled at the memories of Susan that ran through my mind.

"Lucy," Caspian turned to Lucy with a wooden box in hand. Lucy's face brightened when she saw the contents.

"My healing cordial and dagger. Oh, may I?"

"Of course, they're yours."

I wasn't paying much attention to the conversations behind me, for I was studying the painting of the five of us 1300 years ago.

"Y/N," I turned around to see Caspian holding my yellow dagger and necklace. I smiled and thanked him. Sometimes, I forget I have singing powers.

I turned back to the painting to look at another one beside it. It was one of a girl and a boy dancing ankle-deep in water at a beach-

My eyes immediately widened as a gasp escaped my mouth. My eyes pooled with tears, "What is it, love?" I heard Edmund say.

"Caspian," I said as I felt him step beside me, "Where did you get this painting?" I felt Edmund step next to me as well. He let out a small gasp.

"Well, my professor found it one day. It always reminded me of Susan, so I held onto it," I finally turned to Caspian for a second before turning back to the painting. Edmund wrapped his hand around my waist.

"Edmund gave this to me for my 20th birthday," I said, a tear escaping my eye. Caspian gasped at the artifact, glancing at it before dragging his eyes back to me.

"Well, then, it's yours."

I turned to him again, "But, I can't take it to the real world, can I?"

"Well, it sure is special to you, I'm sure Aslan can make an exception." He said, smiling. I turned to Edmund, my face lit up with happiness. Edmund goofily smiled at the memory.


"Since you left, the Giants of the North surrendered unconditionally," Caspian explained, all four of us, and a couple of other men, in the map room, "then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There is peace across all of Narnia." He happily finished.

"Peace?" I asked.

Caspian turned to me, smiling, "In just three years."

"And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?" Lucy tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"No. Not one to compare with your sister." Caspian chuckled.

"Hang on. If there are no-" Edmund started, but before I knew it, I was slowly walking over to the window, staring at the sea. Studying the waves gave me a feeling of warmth and sincerity.

My train of thought started running at full speed. Edmund.

How old is he? 18 now? I glanced back at him, intently listening to Caspian and the captain, Drinian. Aslan, he was too cute for his own good. I wonder if he wants to marry me.

I know we've only long-distance dated, but technically, we've known each other for 1300 years. And we've dated for 2 years. I just didn't want to wait much longer. My 18th birthday is coming up. Maybe I should get Lu-

No, Lucy should not have to get involved in our relationship. But who knows, she might be curious.

I started to think about our wedding, and how perfect and fun our life together would be.

I was snapped out of my trance when I heard the captain speaking, "...tales of sea serpents and worse." The words 'sea serpent' gave me a chill. I whipped my head around to see a smiling Edmund.

"Sea serpents?" He chuckled, raising his eyebrows and cutely smiling. Please marry me.

"All right, Captain, that's enough of your tall tales." Caspian finished and bit into an apple as he dismissed everyone from the room.


I walked up to the main deck to see a fight breaking out. I squinted my eyes to see two men clanging their swords together.

I sighed, "Oh, Ed," I whispered as I leaned on the railing, watching them fight. Ed makes these really cute faces while he fights; I couldn't help but smile as I watched.

They both held each other at blade point and congratulated each other. Edmund's eyes trailed along with the boat, looking for something. Once they landed on me, he smiled and made his way up to me.

"Were you watching me?" he asked, all giddy like a child. I smiled.

"Yes, baby," I joked, ruffling his messy hair. He leaned into my touch, "Edmund, do you-"

"Edmund!" Lucy called from below and I smiled. He kept looking at me, waiting for me to finish.

"Go, talk to you sister," He furrowed his brows, looking upset that Lu interrupted us. He kissed my forehead and started walking down.

"Tell me later." he pointed at me, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now