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"There is the source of your troubles. Dark Island. A place where evil lurks," Coriakin said, stepping on the map to look at all of us. I clung to Edmund's arm, a worried expression making way to my face, "It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true. It seeks to corrupt all goodness, to steal the light from this world."

"How do we stop it?" Lucy asked.

"You must break its spell, with the help of the Yellow Witch. And that sword you carry," He pointed to Edmund's sword, "there are six others."

Edmund looked at me and back at Coriakin, "The Yellow Witch is from your Golden Age-" He was cut off by Edmund pointing to me. Coriakin's eyes widened as he glanced at my necklace, "Oh, I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

I giggled, "It's quite alright."

"Have you seen them: the others?" Edmund asked, changing the subject.

"Yes," Coriakin responded.

"The six lords, they passed through here?" Caspian asked.


"Where were they headed?"

"Where I sent them," Coriakin walked off of the map and willed it to continue across the sea to another island, "To break the spell, you must follow the Blue Star to Ramandu's Island. There, the seven swords must be laid at Aslan's table. Only then can their true magical power be released," Caspian looked back at Drinian, "But beware, you are all about to be tested."

"Tested?" I asked. Coriakin walked over to me.

"Until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand," He walked back over to Lucy, "It will do everything in its power to tempt you. Be strong. Don't fall to temptation," He said, standing at the middle of the map, "To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself."


When we got back on the boat and started sailing, we got caught in the middle of a terrible storm.

I eventually went to sleep, although it was hard.

I woke up in the real world. Strange.

I was sitting up in my bed at the Professor's house, so I did what I normally do, which was grab some toast from downstairs and go to my study to draw or do schoolwork.

I was greeted by Mrs. Macready while I grabbed my toast before going up to my study.

I came to the door to see the engraving I loved to look at every- wait.

Instead of 'Spare Oom', it just said Y/N's Study. I brushed it off and walked into my Narnian study to see no Narnian things. I quickly walked over to my desk to see no sketches, no nicknacks, and no pictures. I turned back to my sewing table to see no lions on my clothes.

I finally noticed the emptiness of the room beside me, for there was no wardrobe.

I looked around for my box of letters but I didn't even find that. No Edmund.

I started to scream my head off and cry.

I woke up to hear Lucy yelling Aslan's name. A tear slid down my cheek as I quickly got up and ran to her hammock, "Lucy, are you alright?"

She pulled out a piece of paper, the one she tore from the spellbook. She inspected it for a second before crumpling it up and handing it to me, "Burn this."

I sighed and took the piece of paper. I grasped my hand around it as it went up in yellow flames, Aslan's head roaring came out of the flame.

She turned back to her bed and I said that I would be back. As I started walking down the hallway, tears ran down my face.

I walked into the room that Edmund and Caspain shared. Edmund was awake so I called his name, "Edmund," No answer, "Edmund!"

He looked the other way, pulling his sword out and pointing it at nothing.

"Edmund!" I practically yelled.

He snapped his head back at me, letting the tension release from his body, "Oh, Y/N." He turned back to the wall for a second before putting his sword away. Caspian jolted awake as well.

"I can't sleep," I said. He noticed my tear-stained face and patted his chest for me to lay on.

"Let me guess," Edmund quietly said, playing with my hair, "Bad dreams?" I hummed in response, "So either we're all going mad, or something is playing with our minds."

"What was yours?" I asked as I listened to Edmund's quickened heartbeat.

"It was about the White Witch," I sat up slightly, moving my hand to his rough face. I rubbed his cheek, moved to his neck, and down his shoulder to his chest, "What was yours? You seem pretty shaken up about it."

I sighed, "It was like Narnia never existed. Not even you. It was the worst nightmare I've ever had." Edmund rubbed his hand along my back.

"Aw," he said, kissing my forehead. I looked up at him and kissed his lips, and before long, the both of us were asleep.


We finally approached another island, although it was way less lush than the other.

"I doubt the lords stopped here, my liege. There's no sign of anything living." Reep commented as we sailed to the shore of the island.

"Right. Well, once we get ashore, take your menand search for food and water. The four of us will look for clues." Caspian yelled back.

"Hang on, you mean the five of us," Eustace started, causing all of us to look back at him, "Come on, please don't send me back to the rat."

"I heard that," Reep called

"Big ears."

"I heard that too." Edmund nudged me as we all started chuckling. We got to shore and continued to dock the boats.

Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, and I began looking around when we found a cave, "Look, we're not the first ones on this island," Caspian commented, pointing to a rope.

"The lords?" I asked.

"Could be," Caspain paused, throwing a rock down there, "What do you think could be down there?"

"Let's find out," Edmund said, starting down the rope.

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now