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The gentle sunrise shined on my eyes, causing me to slowly awaken. I moved Ed's arm off of me, which caused him to stir, and sat up. I looked around to see everybody here.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at Lucy... who wasn't there. My eyes widened as I began to nudge Edmund.

"Ed," I said quietly, but he just groaned, "Ed, wake up."

When he wouldn't wake up, I sighed. I heard distant voices and decided to follow them.

I took tender steps through the forest, and came up to an appearing mansion. I looked at the entrance to see Lucy steping inside the big doors. I quickly ran to the doors, slipping inside before they closed.

The inside of the mansion was beautiful, bigger than it looks on the outside.

I heard Lucy's quiet voice in a room, and I decided to stand at the doorway.

"'An infallible spell to make you she, the beauty you've always wanted to be'," she read from the book. It worried me that she was interested in this spell. I sure thought she was beautiful.

Green smoke started to surround her. Oh no, "Lucy?" I quietly called, walking up to where she was standing. She didn't seem to hear me. I peeked over her shoulder at the book.

In the circle was Susan, "Susan, what's going," Susan seemed to copy what Lucy was doing; the book was entrancing her, "on? I'm beautiful," Lucy said as she stared into her new reflection. It started to fade away and Lucy slapped her hand on the page, "No, wait! 'Make me she, whom I'd agree'" she started to rip the page out.

"Lucy. Lucy!" I practically yelled in her ear. She turned around to face me.

"Aslan- Y/N?" I sighed, pulling her into a hug. She tenderly hugged me back.

"You don't think you're beautiful?" I asked her, tears pooling in my eyes. She shrugged, letting me go.

"Not as beautiful as you and Susan," She smiled, contrasting my worried expression. Despite that, she turned back to the book.

The book's flipping pages turned to-

"'A spell to make the unseen seen'," Lucy started, looking at me. I nodded at her, going back outside to see if the boys were looking for us.

I walked outside to see the crew a few feet from where I was, fighting invisible creatures.

I decided to stop and watch as this happened, finding it kind of funny. If anything terrible to happen, I would step in.

"What sort of creatures are you?" Caspian asked

"Big ones with the head of a tiger." "and the body of a...different tiger." "You don't want to mess with us."

"Or what?" Edmund bravely asked. These guys seemed harmless, especially after their invisiblilty wore off. I had to hold back a laugh.

"Or I'll claw you to death." "And I'll ram my tusks right through you." "And I'll gnash you with my teeth." "And I'll bite you with my fangs. Grrr!"

"You mean squash us with your fat bellies?" Edmund joked, also trying to hold back a laugh as he saw the creatures.

"Yes! Fat bellies?"

"Tickle us with your toes?" Caspian added. One of the two creatures lost his balance, causing the tower to fall over.

"What have you done with my sister and girlfriend, you little pip-squeak?" Edmund said, pointing his sword at the little one. Aww, his girlfriend.

"Now, calm down-"

"Lucy and I are just fine, Eddie," I said, strutting up to the rest of the group. Ed let out a sigh of relief, dropping the sword. I came up next to him and he pulled me in by my waist.

"Where's Lucy?" He asked me.

"In the mansion," I said plainly.

"What mansion?" He asked confused, and I nodded to the appearing mansion beside us, "Ohh, That mansion." He said, cutely staring at the huge mansion.

"I'm really getting tired of you all leaving me behi-" Eustace blabbered before being cut off by himself. The creatures mumbled something about a pig, "This place just gets weirder and weirder."

The creatures continued to mumble about different things until they looked behind us and started yelling: The Oppressor.

I looked behind me and smiled to see Lucy walking with a cloaked man, "Lucy!" Edmund said, sheathing his sword. The man bowed to Caspian.

"Your Majesty," He said.

"Caspian, Y/N, and Edmund, this is Coriakin. It's his island." Lucy introduced us, and I walked up to the man to give him a light handshake.

"That's what he thinks." "You have wronged us, magician."

"I have not wronged you," Coriakin started, walking forward into the crowd of the creatures, "I made you invisible for your own protection."

"Protection?" "That's oppressive!" "Oppressor!"

"I have not oppressed you."

"But you could've, if you'd wanted to."

"Be gone," said Coriakin, throwing some sort of white substance. The creatures scurried away.

"It's a spell!" the creatures started, going crazy.

"What was that?" Lucy asked.

"Lint. But don't tell them." Coriakin responded, causing me to giggle.

"What were those things?" Eustace asked as they quickly hopped away.


"Right, of course. Silly me."

Coriakin led us back into the mansion, taking us back to the room with the spellbook in it. Lucy began asking him questions while Edmund pressed his lips to my ear, "Y/N," I hummed in response, "Stop going away by yourself."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, turning to look at him, "Well, I tried to wake you up, but you are a little sleepy head-" I was cut off by a peck on the lips, Edmund smiling and turning back to Coriakin, "I can take care of myself, you know."

Edmund smiled and shook his head, "I know, I just like protecting you," He said and I smiled as we approached the room.

"It seemed the easiest way to protect them from the evil," Coriakin said as I tuned back into the conversation.

"You mean the mist?" Edmund asked.

"I mean what lies behind the mist," Coriakin led us into the library, with galaxies coming and going in splotches on the wall. I was snapped out of my trance on the walls when he laid out a map that came to life.

"That's quite beautiful," Eustace commented, inspecting the map. Edmund, Lucy, and I turned to stare at him, "I mean, for a make-believe map of a make-believe world."

The Yellow Witch {BOOK 3} (Edmund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now