Chapter 6

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Akamaru was behaving like Naruto, hyper. He started squirming on my hand as my other hand was around Sasuke. Then I heard someone calling out my name. I pulled back from Sasuke and turned around. Kiba walked slowly from the dark,I placed Akamaru down so that he can run to Kiba. Kiba picked up Akamaru and placed him on his head and came near us.

"Kiba,what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I and Naruto brought Shikamaru and Choji to the apartment,found you guys were missing,so I'm here. I know you are scared of dark and empty streets." Kiba said with a warm smile.

Awe,he knows me better than anyone. I hugged him too. Then I looked at Sasuke.

"Are you coming?" I asked with a puppy dog face to which even itachi would melt. Hehe,just kidding. I don't know why I'm even thinking about him now.

"Hn." Sasuke said,that's what he always says so I don't know if it's a yes or no.

"Bring your sleeping bag too as you have to stay back in my apartment tonight." I said expecting for a big NO from him.

"Is Sakura and Ino are there too?" Sasuke asked.

I ,Kiba and Akamaru nodded our heads violently. Sasuke looked annoyed and opened his mouth to say no for the party as well but I cut him off before that.

"I promise you that Sakura and Ino will not do anything stupid to annoy you today. I can even make them not to come near you at all." I said with a broad smile,hoping that my offer works.

"You mean forever?" Sasuke raised his brow at me.

"No way. Hokage can't do that either, I can do it just for today." I said. Kiba laughed his head out and Sasuke turned around to leave without a word.

"Sasuke?" I called out in a low voice.

"Give me a second." With that he walked off  to his house.

So he is coming. Yay! I'll show him there's much more in life than his cool attitude.

I and Kiba talked for a while about Naruto and Choji how crazy they would be now searching for the cake. Then Sasuke came with his backpack, we three,actually four,reached apartment in a poof. Thanks to Kiba.

Before Kiba could open the door Sasuke stopped him.

"Forgot something?" Sasuke asked me.

I got it now. I gotta make some things  clear with Sakura and Ino before bringing Sasuke inside my apartment. I made Kiba stay outside with Sasuke ignoring his protests and walked inside,headed straight to the girls and told them that only if they keep their mouth shut for the whole night, Sasuke would stay here. They quickly agreed and brought Sasuke into the apartment. Everyone were surprised by Sasuke's visit but he didn't mind anybody.

The party went well and it's time to bed. We would usually spread out in the living room floor with the sleeping bags. Neji and Lee being new to this were asked to share Naruto's room. Naruto,Choji were at the far left end followed by Shino,Tenten, Hinata, Shikamaru, Kiba,I and Sasuke. I will never make a mistake of sleeping next to Naruto again in my life because once I happened to and the next day his leg was on my neck.

I could've got a place next to the girls,I already made my sleeping bag beside Hinata but when I glanced at Sasuke beside Kiba,he seemed uncomfortable so I fitted myself between Kiba and Sasuke. He didn't react much. You guys may wonder why Sakura and Ino aren't here and trying to sleep next to their dream guy,there's a rumor that the two girls would snore and drool at times so they didn't wanna risk and so they took up my room. If the rumors were true, I'm so gonna regret,making the girls sleep in my room.

Sasuke turned the other side,his back facing me,I'm laying flat on my back facing the ceiling and Kiba turned to my side with Akamaru between our heads. He was literally on my sleeping bag near my head. I could feel his cute tiny body rising up and down as he breathes with his fur touching my face. I slept within few minutes, I guess.

I woke up as I felt a body shivering against mine. And rubbed my eyes several times to get a clear view of that person. It's Sasuke, he had rolled to my side and now probably having some nightmares.

"Sasuke?" I sat up and shook him.

Finally he sat up with lightening speed with his eyes opened. He sweated like a waterfall.

"Hn?" He asked by hiding his nightmares after affect. Too late,I already saw enough of it.

"Come with me." I got up and pulled him along with me. We entered kitchen and I turned on the small lights.

"Here." I handed him a glass of water. He drank it and stood silent,starring at the floor.

"Let's go back to sleep." I caught his hand and pulled him to the living room again after turning off the kitchen lights. I behaved like a mom and he did act like a kid.

I slipped inside my sleeping bag slowly and carefully,not to wake up Akamaru. Then I turned to Sasuke, he was starring at the ceiling. I placed my hand on his eyes and gently closed it,saying, " Sleep. You won't get nightmare anymore." He didn't say anything in return so I took my hands away from his eyes and dropped it on my sleeping bag. I closed my eyes and suddenly felt Sasuke's hand holding my hand. I swatted his hand away and put my hand around his waist. I heard him chuckle with that we drifted off to sleep.


A week passed after Choji's birthday and we are all gonna be Genins after a small test from Iruka-sensei and then we'll be put into our teams. I'm so excited and I really don't mind being teamed up with anyone since all are my friends except for Lee and Neji. I gotta befriend them too at some point of time.

"Listen up,everyone. You gotta make a clone, to pass this test. Then you'll be handed your leaf head band after which sooner or later you'll be put into your teams under Jounins as your senseis." Iruka-sensei announced.

Everyone looked excited except for Naruto because he doesn't get it right yet.

Iruka-sensei called out the names and when he was about to call out my name,he paused and looked up at me.

"Hana,Hokage wanted to meet you. Sorry,I forgot to mention it earlier." He said.

"Can I go after this test?" I kinda whined.

"I think it's something important." He said.

I wished my friends luck and left the class with a groan.


I want her [Naruto fanfic~ Uchiha (Itachi/Sasuke) X OC love storyWhere stories live. Discover now