Chapter 26

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Few weeks had passed. I act really weird when Sasuke is around. It's just that I'm not all angry on him anymore and I don't know how to talk to him like old days because I'm not used to this whole avoiding, ignoring, turning your face away when the other person looks you in the eye and so on. See, as I had already mentioned before, I've a serious problem in holding on to my anger or grudge, whatever.

Another, troubling thing is that I heard of from Shino that Juugo and Suijetsu like me and trying to hit on me, really hard.

Karin and I are sharing a room and she isn't that bad of a person, atleast to me. It's because I don't drool over Sasuke and don't talk to him or try talking to him anytime. I wonder, if she knows about our previous relationship, that we were best friends and had even slept on a same bed. She might chop my head off, if she gets to know about that latter part, I guess.

I even visited my cousins, sand siblings. Guess what, Gaara is the Kazekge. I couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw him behind the huge desk with hell lot of papers piled up. He didn't mind me, when I entered his room with Temari and Kankuro, which made me scared, thinking that Gaara wouldn't be like before, hanging around with us and blah, but I was wrong. He was the same old redheaded cousin of mine whom I had seen two years back. Since Gaara is the Kazekge, he told me that he wouldn't be able to visit me with Temari and Kankuro but I obtained a special permission from Tsunade-sama and Gaara that I can leave Konoha and visit Suna anytime.

Currently, I'm getting ready for a girls day out with Hinata, Ino, Sakura and Tenten. We called Karin too but she refused to come, saying that she's sick. Liar. She just wanna flirt around with Sasuke. I put on a white sleeveless T-shirt and a jean shorts which came till my mid thigh and my black sneakers.

It's more like an eve-out and not a day out, since it's 5pm.

"Karin, take care. I'm leaving. I may not get back before dinner time so please don't wait for me. Get some take away foods." I said and headed to the door.

"Okay. Bye." Karin waved at me from the couch, sitting beside Sasuke, an inch away. Not that I looked into her position keenly or something, but that's the truth. :( I'm not jealous, it's just that I wanna spend some time like that with my ex-best friend. I sighed inwardly.

"Bye, Hana." Juugo yelled from the living room. I waved, without turning back.

"Have fun, Hana." Suijetsu yelled. I showed thumbs up and left the apartment.


The so called eve-out was cool and fun. We went to different shops and bought stuffs. While returning back, it started to rain and the girls scurried off to their houses. I could've used sand techniques to shield me from the rain but I loved rain so I let my body receive the showers of heavenly gift from Kami.

10pm. The guys and Karin would have gone to bed by now, I guess.

As I stepped into the apartment, I found the guys on the couch and Karin nowhere to be found. So, part of my guess is right.

"You are finally-" Suijetsu started but froze with his mouth wide opened with his eyes glued to me. What the hell?

"How did it go, Hana?" Juugo turned to face me and he looked a bit shocked with his mouth wide opened too. At least, he finished his sentence.

I ignored their glued glares at me and walked forward to hit my room. I gotta walk past the living room to get to my room, which means I gotta walk past the guys who were giving me creepy glares right now. Sasuke was on a single seated couch, shirtless but didn't care to even lift his head up from the book he was reading. Jerk.

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