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Knees tight to her chest, and nose stuck in her notepad

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Knees tight to her chest, and nose stuck in her notepad. The red-head, while physically present, was in a world of her own equations. Warmth bounced off the page, kissing her argent cheeks, as deep breaths ghosted her lips, the only sound heard from her in the time she has served in this solitude.

The bolts and locks, clicked and clacked from inside the highly secured door. With a push, entered the Handler, her heels tapping the bitter ground and hoop skirt bobbing at her ankle. "Oh, my little killer." The Handler squawked, not even phasing the disturbed woman. "We have some things to discuss."

The well-dressed women tucked her skirt, planting down on the thin mattress, peering above the distracted female. "You, my dear, have cost me sixteen-...actually I believe it's seventeen now, good workers just this weeksdxc  . Now, you know that we can not kill you, but there are other alternatives." The Handler sighs, leaning closer to Echo, "So, I will give you one last chance before we begin other ways of persuasion, that will not be as nice as this."

Although the sun-starved women remained unresponsive, she listened to every word that the wiser lady spat. The threats we're empty to Echo, no form of torture could beat the pain of isolation that will scar her forever. To be honest, she wanted it. Maybe, if she pushed hard enough she could finally lay her eyes upon anything other than the drab cage in which she lived her days in.

"You will be assigned a new agent," The boss interrupts her thoughts, "His name is Five Hargreeves. He's new, so please go easy on him."

Echo froze, halting her scribbles. Not once had she had a new agent. It was always the experienced, cocky ones with an 'I'm better than you' attitude. Echo hated them and their stupid attitude that got them no where but hell. What was different about Five? So many questions, yet she refused to asked. Her vow of silence forbid her.

"I'll see you again tomorrow, my lovely." The Handler chirped, standing and advancing towards the door. "And get your head out of that goddamn note book, I want you to make a good first impression on Five. Well, goodbye for now."

And with that the lady exited. Echo was alone, again. Her lungs expanded vigorously, nostrils flared. The cumbersome pressure of her writing dented the page. Body trembling, her handwriting became unrecognisable. Irk tingled through her veins, Echo's carcass jerked, notebook flying at the wall, and pen slamming against the door.

As she sniffled, Echo crawled along, climbing into her bed, and turning to face the wall. Her mind crowding with queries and an oncoming migraine hammering at her braincells. The only question Echo didn't have to ask was how much sleep she would get this time. And that was because the answer was obvious. None.  

The familiar rattles of the bulky door brought the spaced-out Echo back to the surface

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The familiar rattles of the bulky door brought the spaced-out Echo back to the surface. Now, it was time to meet her new babysitter. She couldn't help but be nervous, which was unusual for her. Normally, when Echo got a new agent, she wouldn't even bother to make eye contact with them, then she'd wait till the perfect time to release them into that sweet release of death. A release Echo wished she could endure.

Echo's maroon-bagged eyes remained situated on the squishy patted, fossil wall. Her body too fragile for movement, her mind like an orchestra of chaos. The mumbles of a pitchy women and a proud man, where heard for behind the inept girl. "Well, this is it, Five. This is Echo, your new assignment." the pitchy voice announced.

"Thank you, um..." Five spoke, as presumptuous as the man was, no one outshines the nerves of a new job. "Is she...okay?"

"Oh, yes. She's perfectly fine." The Handler informed. She made her way over to the hushed female, giving her shoulder a little shove. But when Echo fell back into her formal position, almost like a dead body, the Handler spoke again but with more uncertainty dosed in her tone. "Yeah, she'll be okay. Echo has always been more on the quiet side...well, silent side."

"Silent side?" The curious agent questioned. His jade eyes shifting to the clumps of tangerine locks peeking from the top of the thin duvet.

"She hasn't said a word in twenty-nine years." The boss lady clarifies, non-chalantly.  "Anyways, I have some work to attend to. Echo, please be good." Five peered at the taller woman, slight panic in his look. "Oh, don't worry, she doesn't bite." She waves off, "Actually, I wouldn't get to close to her. Goodbye now."

And then the Handler was gone. Leaving Five and Echo to begin on their journey into the unknowns of the future.

A/N: Hello.

For anyone that is confused basically the commission kidnapped Echo when she was two, as she was a risk to humanity. Echo has been at the commission for about thirty-eight years so far, she only spoke for the first two years. Then five shows up to be her new babysitter, in which he is for the next five years he is at the commission and then he leaves. Which means she spent forty-three years at the commission all-together. And that's when the story begins.

I know my writing sounds a bit lazy, and that's because it is. I'm a very lazy person, and plus I have GCSE's this year, and all my extra work and stuff. So, I sincerely apologise for the lack of detail.

Peace out losers,

xoxo PansAreSmoken

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