The new name, new life

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"Yeah, I don't think that's my blood."

"Woah! Woah!" The portal spat her out like stale gum

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"Woah! Woah!" The portal spat her out like stale gum. Echo scrunched her face, waiting for that impact of the ground to hit her. But it never did. After a couple of seconds of letting that wince expression hold her face, she peeked her left eye open. She was about a foot of the ground, "Ah! What the shit!" She screamed, her body floating higher and higher. Echo felt as light as a feather, one with the wind. "Let me down!" She screamed to no one.

And she dropped. That feeling when you're on a rollercoaster, the drop, the way your stomach flips and your brain touches the roof of your skull, that feeling took over the ginger. Until the pain off the rough pavement grew stronger, scraping her argent skin. Her butter like brain felt solid from the time-travel, eyes stinging. "Five?! Five?" She hobbled out of the alleyway, "Diego! Klaus?! Anyone?" She jogged down the colourful streets, past the pedestrians.

"Excuse me." A taller, attractive lady stopped her, "You all okay, sweetie?"

"N-no...Yeah, um..." Echo touched her forehead, sniffling, "Weird question, but um...Could you please tell me what date it is."

"August 23rd." The lady stroked Echo's arm, "Are you sure you're okay? Cause I have a place right down the road, I can call you some help."

"I'm fine. I'm fine...What year?" The ginger shook her off, "What year is it?"

"It 1962." The lady informed, Echo peered up at her, eyes glassy, "Okay, I'm gonna take you over to my bar, get you fixed right up."



"So, what's your name, sweetie?" The lady crouched down infront of the shaking Echo, "Mine's Julia, but you can call me Jules."

"Ech-...Eleanor...My name's Eleanor." The red-head lied, examining Julia. She was a twiggy girl, she dressed quite groovy. Her blonde hair stood like a birds nest, it was cool. "Thank you so much for helping me."

"Well, I have quite helped you just yet." Julia chuckled, laying a comforting hand on the girls knee, "Now, do you know where you live, I can drive you home. Or help you find your parents."

"Um..." Echo swallowed, "I don't have any."

"Oh, you poor thing, is your family homeless?"

"No, well, yeah. I don't have any family, nor a house." The ginger admitted, picking at her jeans, "It's just me."

"All by yourself?" The blonde pitied, hand over heart, "How about this? I teach you guitar, you play for my bar on Saturday nights and I'll let you stay upstairs with me. That sound good?"

"But you just met me. Why would you let me stay?"

"Call me crazy, but I've got a good feelin' about you." She tapped Echo's freckling nose, "Now, come on, Eleanor. We need to teach how to jam."


"Damn, you're really good for a first-timer, Little Red. " Julie removed the guitar strap from around her neck, "I say, by the end of this month we'll have you rocking on the stage."

"Yeah, thanks, again. You know, for letting me stay here." Echo tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

"It's nothing, Little Red." The woman brushed off, smiling, "Now, I'm gonna go get you a change of clothes and I'll wash those ones you have on. What are those stains, anyways?"

"This, "The ginger pointed to her hip, "Is my blood. This, uh..." She stretched out her shirt, to get a better look, "Yeah, I don't think that's my blood. And this," She stuck her leg out, "Is ceiling rubble."

"Right, well, sounds like you've been on quite a journey." The blonde reached into a pile of clean clothes, "Try this on, I think you'll rock it."

"If you say so." Echo excepted the offering, "Where will I?"

"Bathrooms just down the hall. You can had me your clothes when you're done."


"Eleanor, here." Julia approached the teen, who pottered with a guitar on the sofa, "This was in your pocket, say it's for an 'Echo,' if you know who that is." The red-head blinked at the envelope, cautiously taking it, "I'm gonna finish up dinner, you keep practicing though, you sound great."

Echo didn't reply as the lady left, she just stared blankly at the paper. "you take this, open it after, if this works." Five's voice replayed in her head. It worked, sort of. She survived, is what mattered. So, the ginger peeled back the flap, releasing the letter and reading.

Dear Echo,

I'm going away. I truly do apologise for leaving you on without a word, but my family needs my help. I know we made that promise, the promise that we were partners, the promise were we would get out of the commission together and prevent the apocalypse. But it's too risky.

If there is a chance in hell that I can break my contract and save the world before The Handler can find me, then I will take that chance. But with the both of us out there, the target is only bigger. I'm sorry.

But before I leave you. Before I abandon you and break everything I ever vowed. I need you to know this. I love you.

From that day I was assigned to you and saw your cuddled body in the corner, I swore I would get you out of your shell, get you too trust me. And I did, and I'm so sorry I have to break it. But you are special. I would rather have you alive, then dead in my arms. So, please understand why I must leave you.

Maybe, in another universe we would be together. And if so, I am green with jealously. We should be together, be happy, be in love. But life isn't fair, especially to those who have suffered.

Just remember,
I love you.

love from,


P.S. You were always better at equations than me:)

What the fuck?


A/N: heyyyyyy

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A/N: heyyyyyy

I'm in love with Julia, in my head she is so hot ngl. Like, I would smash. Also yeah, Echo has another power, well it's the same power i just haven't explained it fully yet.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading:)

Peace out losers,

xoxo PansAreSmoken

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