The babysitters and the delinquent

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"I tried to talk with my dad...and he stabbed me."

The old man, who had just murder two of the Sparrows, treed forward to the body, eyes hallow

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The old man, who had just murder two of the Sparrows, treed forward to the body, eyes hallow. Echo backed up an inch, just to be safe. Diego whistling drew her eyes away from the gory mess, "You! Upstairs! Now!" He commanded his child, but Stanley ran to him, tears in his eyes, and hugged the man tight, before sprinting away.

Again her view was changed as a dancing Klaus clattered through the spiny door, "Oh man. Heavens to Betsy. What did you do?" The druggie caught eyes with the dead bodies, "Did Viktor go all 'Carrie' again?"

"We didn't do this." Allison gestured at the old man, Harlan, with her head.

Viktor gently approach the old male, "Harlan?"

"Don't!" Harlan flinched away causing everyone else to do the same, "Don't come near me, please."

"I just want to make sure that you're okay. You can...You can talk now." Behind the pair, Diego, Klaus, Allison and Echo huddled together, observing.

"I can do a lot of things now. "

"How the hell is creepy grandpa?" Klaus bowed into the group.

"That's the kid Viktor saved in Dallas." Diego solved.

"Oh, yeah, shit."..."Oh shit! You right!"..."That's it!" The other three remembered.

"But didn't he get rid of all the kid's mojo when he did all 'that'?" Klaus shook his body, theatrically.

"Yeah, I guess that didn't stick." Puffed Allison.

"Well, what's he doing here, now?"

"Who cares?" Diego dismissed, "He saved us from the Sparrows.

Allison nudged the crew to look at Luther, who was shaking the gravity Sparrow that Echo recently fought, "Sloane, are you alright?" The woman winced, sitting up, "It's okay." Sloane's eyes fell upon the sight of her mushed up siblings gone on the Hotel Obsidian floor, "It's all right. Sloane, it's all right." Luther tried to assure, but the Sparrow tugged from his arms and dash up the stairs, "Sloane!"

"You got a live one, Luther!" Number Two rushed after her.

Luther followed as well, "Shit! Sloane!"

"Harlan, wait!" Viktor yelled after the man who took the distraction as an opportunity to run, "Um...Go help Luther." He instructed his sister.

"What about you?" Allison worried.

"I can handle it. Go."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Soon enough it was just Klaus, Echo and a couple of dead bodies.


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