The distraction

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"I can't wait to see old wrinkly Five again."

Luther was the first to break the lengthy silence the fuming three created, "Now what?"

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Luther was the first to break the lengthy silence the fuming three created, "Now what?"

"Now nothing, Luther, all right?" Five seethed, pacing, "Make your peace with God?"

"What? What about Allison and Vanya?"

"Screw them both." The boy grumbled, "They should have been here."

Klaus groaned from below, "What about Diego? He's quite a responsible young man, no?" Five grunts, kicking some random cardboard.

"Something must of happened to them." Luther worried.

"They're gonna hope something happened to them." Echo raised herself to sit onto the bin, "Cause when I get my hands on those son of a bitch-..."

"Screw Diego, all right?" The time-traveller cut her off, "Screw everybody! I was better off on my own in the apocalypse."

"Five!" Number One scolded, "Come on."

"You know what, Luther?" The boy charged at him, "It's every sibling for himself now. How 'bout that?"

"I'm just gonna..." The ginger pointed at the door Five had just left through, "I'll see you guys..." She jumped down from her seat, slouching off through the door and up the stairs.

"Hey! Five, doomsday is still coming." Luther chased after them, "We gotta think of a new plan."

"Don't you get it, Luther? It's over, all right?" Five snapped, "We're already dead."

"Then we're you going?"

"I'm going to do the unthinkable."

"Wow, Five." Echo raised her hands, mind in the gutter, "I don't know if I'm ready for that, maybe?"

"The hell is that supposed to me?" Monkey man ignore her remark.

"I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this." The boy muttered, entering Elliot's apartment.

"Come too what, Five?" Luther followed, behind the ginger, "Five." He knocked on the door the to the room the time-traveller had locked himself in, "Five! Come to what? Five!"


Like an astronaut in a ship, Echo floated around the middle of the main room, snoring. A rattling of the fridge wakened the big male that slept on the couch, "Five?" He shoved the blanket off himself, dragging the ginger into the kitchen with him by the ankle. Shaking out of her dream, her feet fell back to the floor. "Five? Five, what...You okay?" Luther blinked at the boy who slurped down a gallon of water.

Five gasped heavily, shoving the water back into the fridge, slamming it shut, "I'm gonna need to be hydrated."

"Hydrated?" One's face scrunched up as his brother shook baby powder down his pits and pants, "What's with the baby powder?"

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