The sweet release

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"It's a sweet release..."


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Echo creased her eyes as the strips of vibrant blue irritated them, she pushed herself forward, tumbling out the other side. The girl face screwed as she peered around, they were back in the White Buffalo Suite, but it was different. The atmosphere was darker, the edginess of the air kept her on high alert.

"Let's never do that again." Viktor panted as the family filtered through the room.

"What, narrowly escape the apocalypse?" Five quipped.

"It's kind of our thing, isn't it?" barked Diego.

"There is something very wrong about that." Allison cringed at the backside of a Buffalo mounted on the wall. 

"Sometimes I don't get modern art." Echo crossed her arms, tutting.

"Same suite, just ass-backward." Lila concluded.

Five joined them in the observation of the animal butt, "No hyperbole there."

"This is some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit." commented Ben.

"Yeah, it only gets weirder." Diego warned, his mind flashing back to his experience with the stranger, hidden portal.

Reginald puffed his way into the room, rushing to slam the door behind him, "At last, the other side."

"Wait. Where's Klaus?" Viktor stammered.

"Children, I'm sorry, but your brother...I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim."

"No, he was right behind me when I entered the tunnel." Five barked.

"We need to go back." Sloane voiced.

"There's nothing to go back to." Sir Reginald denied, "Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving."

"Wait. Luther and Klaus?" Number Seven wavered before a silence covered the group. They all stared off, mourning the souls they had lost today. Death isn't fair, we have so many memories and feelings for the people who are gone, and we just have to live with that. The sensation of their hugs, the warmth of their hands, it all stays with us. But we have to live with that torture and that urge to feel, hold, be loved by them again, but life's cycle has already taken them, and we must suffer, alone. 


With a ding, the elevator door opened, the crew stalked into the lobby. And it was all so familiar, just like the place they had stayed the past while but off. It's like that feeling when you walk into a room and forget why you went there or pick up something and forgot what you were going to do with. The gingers body felt calm, her subconscious was secure in this place, and the red flags that once mounted her brain began to fade. This place was having an effect on her, one that she couldn't even notice.

ECHO ~ THE UMBRELLA ACADEMYWhere stories live. Discover now