The memories

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"Yo, what if I find out I'm immortal, or something!"

"Yo, what if I find out I'm immortal, or something!"

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There was a humming. It was new. A rhythm seeped through the bulky doors of her cell, where was it coming from? The sweet symphony was interpreted by  the click-clacks of the boisterous door. Echo tugged her blanket closer to her, blanking at the padded wall. "Good morning, my little killer." The ginger sighed at the sunny voice, "Oh, today we have someone for you. Now, this agent, well, she was out on a mission and had a slip up, then lied to me about it. So, we've assigned her to you as a way to pay us back." She lay a motherly hand on the girl shin, "She will be here in...Oh, here she is. Please, come in, Heid."

"SO, you know your assignment. We've told you every last thing we know about little Echo here." The Handler clasped her hands together, edging to the door, "My work here is done, enjoy." With a royal wave, she left.

The agent cleared her throat, "Hello, Echo...I've heard a lot about you..." The red-head didn't move, didn't respond, "You've killed a lot of workers, you know. You killed a very special worker." Heidi glared at the back of the fifteen-year olds head, "Agent Aaron, you remember him?"

Echo did remember Agent Aaron, that guy was a dumbass. He was the cause behind one of the girls biggest scars, the one on her left shoulder blade.  That man was cocky, liked to push the girls buttons, until she snapped. His gruesome death was his own stupid fault, he deserved to have his heart ripped out, and she enjoyed watching that fearful expression flicker from his face as doom took over. "He was my friend." Heidi took a step closer, "More than a friend... And killed him."

The ginger finally sat up, placing her back against the wall to face the woman. "Aren't you gonna say anything." The Agents eyes watered as Echo smirked, "That's right, you can't say anything, you freak! I don't even know why The Handler keeps you? You're useless...All that you are good for is relieving stress." Heidi chuckled, "That's what Aaron told me he used you for." Echo's jaw locked, "After a long, extreme mission, he'd come down here and beat the shit out of you. Said, 'she's to scared to fight back, too pathetic.' And you know what, he was right, I'm gonna beat your shit in until I'm as happy as a dog with a bone, I-..."

Echo was gone. The woman stopped. The ginger breathed down the back of her neck, a finger trailing down her spine, above the thin material of her blouse. "W-what are...What are you, ah..." Next thing, the assignments hand was in her back, grip on her spine. Echo breath, sort-of laughing, then yanked, and yanked, until the woman's spine was completely ripped out. The ginger through it on the floor, next to the fallen Heidi. She smirked, returning to her duvet and padded walls as though it was a dream.


The girls face pushed deeper into the pillow, indistinct mumbles fleeing from her sleeping face. "Mm..." She gasped, "Wha-..who-...oh, God..." Echo groaned, pinching in-between her eyes. The room smelled like wood and cologne mix, the bed was too soft, she didn't like the way it made her feel like he was floating. The ginger felt a build up of nausea in her stomach, a hardy headache companying it.  Kicking of the blanket, she dangled her lags off the bed, standing. Wobbling into the main room, "Guys?" She called.

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