The coma speech

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"Go waste whatever time we have left telling someone who actually cares."

TW: Mention of echos tramua

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TW: Mention of echos tramua

Five groaned, rolling over, knocking a pan down onto the red-heads stomach, she let out a little 'ow.'. "Why..." The boy moaned, squinting at the kitchen, and the sickly Echo below him. "What did I get up to last night?" Flashing of his intoxicated experiences came floating back; his awful speech at the wedding, racing down the hall, drinking, a giggly Echo under him, more drinking, puking, and his dad speaking to a mystery. "What was the old man up to?"

"Huh...?" The ginger pushed herself up, something not feeling right in her lower area, lowering her hand down she pulled out the strange item from under her, "A strawberry? Seriously?" She gaped at Five, but the boy was to deep in his own world to acknowledge her.


After settling herself up in the room, her weightless body hovering above the coffee table, hoping her burning migraine would go done. Sleep crawled its way up her, subcoming Echo into its peace.

"Echo." Two timid palms shook her slumped shoulders, "Echo!"

"Huh?...W-what?" The ginger blinked her heavy eyes open to see who disturbed her drunken nap, "Five? I was just looking for you...Did I fall asleep? Where are we?" Her stomach let out a booming rumble.

"Come on." The boy snatched her wrist, tugging Echo down the hall as she whined in protest, "We're going to the kitchen." He shoved her through the door, walking himself to the fridge, "Sit up on the counter."

"Okay..." The girl complied, rubbing her eyes, worsening her already smudged makeup, "What are we doing in here?"

"Eating, obviously." Five dropped a bunch of snack next to her thighs, "Now, dig in."

"Sure," She tore open the first thing she grabbed, "How drunk are we?"

"You ask a lot of questions when you're intoxicated." He chuckle, strutting over to her. "You look very beautiful tonight, Echo." He centred himself between her knees, relaxing his elbows on her thigh.

"Thank you. Don't look to bad yourself." Echo grinned, trying to use humour to cover that tingling feel swarming up inside her.

Five raised his right arm, gently placing his palm on her soft jawline, his thumb tracing the scratch scars Klaus had given her in their first attempt of 2019. "Talk." He muttered, his eyes hallowing into her face.

"Um..." Echo swallowed, enjoying to heat radiating from his grip into her blush cheek, "About what? I don't really have anything to talk about."

"Yes you do." The boy pushed, dropping his hand and turning away, "I...I want to listen to you for once. Back at the Commission, I told you every last detail about all the shit I went through and you weren't able to tell me anything." He face her again shame flooding his eyes, "I feel so selfish."

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