The preservation of existence

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"At this point shoot me!"

The heavens glare pepping through the argent clouds complementing her cider lasting hair, and ivory rounded look, Echo sweltered under the day's climate

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The heavens glare pepping through the argent clouds complementing her cider lasting hair, and ivory rounded look, Echo sweltered under the day's climate. "What are you looking at?" The male teen beside her barked at pass-buyers, "See something funny?"

"Five, relax." Echo rested a hand on her partners shoulder, "They weren't even looking at you."

"Mind your business" The boy continued, "Or I'll give you something to stare at!"

"Would you shut up? You're making yourself look worse." She slapped the back of his head, "Look, those two are talking about you right now, I can feel it."

"You wish you could pull of these shorts!" After the last bark he leaned into the red-head, "I know, he's talking about killing me."

"I freakin' knew it! That asshole." the boy shoot an offended glance, scratching his butt, "I love you and all Five, but you're kind of an ass, you have to admit."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...Love you too." The boy mumbled, brushing her off, shuffling to his now alone brother.

Echo didn't have time to listen to them argue, so she ran up to the old man to begin a scuffle of her own, "You know, if you make one wrong move I will kick your elderly ass all the way back to the twenties."

"I've been there, nothing I can't handle." The old man smirked, clenching his grip on the briefcase, "I though you were smarter than this Echo."

"That's the thing, I am smarter." The ginger bragged, "Smarter than you at least."

"Really?" He side-eyed her, "Is that why you also look like one of the rug rats?"

"I knew the correct equation, asshole." She seethed at him, "I just didn't change it."


"You were already gone before I escaped, you would have already been a teen again." She sighed, "So, I didn't change them. That way I'd be stuck an ankle biter with you."

"Huh..." The elder poked his tongue out the side of his cheek, he yanked her arm, "The paradox psychosis has already got to him, Echo. It's not to late to switch sides."

"I'm on your side, Five." Echo got in his face, "Just a different version of you. And just so you know, there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect you and your dumbass family, so be careful what your next moves are. And get your hands off of me." She tugged her arm away from him, glaring.

"Your threats are as empty as your head." The man smiled to himself, "You kill me, you kill the little psycho back there."

"But before I leave you. Before I abandon you and break everything I ever vowed. I need you to know this. I love you.'" The ginger recited, trying to get under his skin, "'Maybe, in another universe we would be together. And if so, I am green with jealously.'"

ECHO ~ THE UMBRELLA ACADEMYWhere stories live. Discover now