Chapter 6

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My dearly detested dipshit,

I fucking miss you.

So much.

And you better miss me just as much or we aren't best friends. But don't come out and tell me that you missed me, make some jokes and stuff about how you enjoyed my absence and then I'll joke about not missing you. But it better be a joke. Then start telling me about how much you actually missed me so I can tell you in person about how much I miss you.

Sure I can say how I miss Danny and Dash, Cashew kid, my son, my other son, my not so estranged daughter, Kayla B who sits next to me in biology and Kayla M who I cheat off of in Math. D'Marco the d-bag, hot Andrew, funny Andrew, (not weird Andrew because he's weird) Della the drama whore, nice Bella, and that random football kid who gives me fist bumps whenever I see him.

I miss seeing all of them, but I seriously I don't think I could ever truly put into words how much I miss you.

There's no words to describe the joy I get from lovingly bullying you in Math, showing you up in gym, texting you about all the drama in my Spanish class-

Ok side note- Della is still denying that she kissed Marley's boyfriend but I just found out that she actually slept with him instead. Marley is so pissed and a group of her guy friends beat the shit out of him for cheating on her after school the day before I got kidnapped. Squad goals is my only comment.

Anyway, I just really miss you. I miss judging people with you, I miss all of our late night milkshake runs, and I miss your beautiful face.

I just miss you Sloane.

Do you remember that time when we were 10 and you had to go to California as a surprise trip to see your cousins? I remember how mad you were about that trip because you hate your cousins and we had plans. We didn't talk for two weeks except for some spotty texts and one call because of the time difference and your cousins's really shitty wifi.

I think I actually went crazy. I had no one to talk to and I think I almost combusted with all the stuff that went on. I actually took up a temporary journal to document everything that happened for you.

In the end, you came home and we cried and had a sleepover after guilt tripping your mom about separating us. She felt bad because she hated the trip too. I think she and my mom caught up with a bunch of drinks and ended up crashing in my parents room. Your dad slept on the guest bed and my dad took the couch because our moms took my parent's bed. Nobody was sober enough to drive home.

We snuck some of the dessert in my freezer and stayed up till 4 am. I think we still woke up first around 10 and our parents got up at 1.

I missed you so much that we stayed up talking all night. We didn't stop talking. And I think we got a second and third night because we were attached at the hip.

The only good thing about that trip was that I knew you were coming home. I had a countdown for it.

But now, I don't know when I'm coming home. 

Hell, I don't know if I'm coming home.

I guess I should probably tell you why I got kidnapped because I know you're gonna ask and I know I won't remember everything.

So remember that cute guy we saw at the coffee shop like two days before I got kidnapped? So apparently he was a vampire who worked for another vampire named Katherine. He told his bitch of a boss Katherine about the tattoo mark thingy and apparently Katherine knew that it meant I have a soulmate.

Hold onto your mom jeans, it gets better.

My soulmate is none other than the Klaus Mikaelson, who Katherine unfortunately hates because he's been hunting her for 500 years for revenge. She needed a bargaining chip for her freedom, so that brings us back around to me.

So I went for a run to de-stress right? I had my music in and I looked like a milf running through the neighborhood in my sports bra and leggings. Minus the baby stroller. 

I was looking good and doing good right?

So this bitch comes flying out of the forest and grabs me, okay, full on grabs me by the waist. So I screamed and I threw the back of my head into her face. She dropped me and grabbed her face, but I didn't run right because you're stupid if you think you can run away from a vampire.

So while she's momentarily distracted, I grabbed this conveniently placed stick and I stab her in the ribs. I didn't really check if I hit the heart because the stick broke off.

So then I started sprinting away because I had just stabbed her. I ran towards a neighborhood so I could hide in a house but before I could get to the neighborhood, she caught up to me and grabbed me again. 

It was kind of gay, I'm not going to lie.

Like you Sloane. And me too because I guess I half count. But only half.

So this little slut bashes my head into a tree, (no Sloane I'm not slut shaming don't come at me). It really fucking hurt and then I woke up in a cell with a massive headache.

Ah shit, speaking of massive headaches, I lost track of my period dates. Fuck. Actually I might be good for another week, but I really don't know.

Can't exactly get pads or tampons when you're kidnapped. Katherine's a vampire so she probably hasn't had a period in a hot minute. Like 500 years hot. Must be nice.

I swear Sloane if you don't come see me with chocolates and sweets and all the things you know I crave on my period, I'm going to be a little pissed. You owe me for supplying you pain meds in school, bringing you all that chocolate whenever we sync up, and for giving you my sweatshirts and shit countless times. Time to repay the favor my darling dear.

Anyway, in my soulmate's letters, I always describe whatever drawings I make on the letter to him. Sometimes I rate them if I feel like it. Since you are my best friend and I know you know me, you will understand why I drew jelly fish all over the paper.

Our inside jokes are superior, I swear. I've been sitting here and cackling to myself as I draw these things. 

I'm concerned for me. I feel like you 23/7, save for the hour or so a week that you do dumber shit than me.

Actually wait, that could never happen, but you come really damn close sometimes. How do you think we got the jellyfish joke?

Farewell you slutty jellyfish,


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