Chapter 20

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Clove's hand immediately shot to Klaus's wrist, settling on the hand that just released hers. Her eyes darted down to look at there nearly intertwined fingers, but she didn't move his hand.

"Oh come now love, don't get shy on me," Klaus drawled, his voice low in the dark room.

"I'm not shy," Clove quipped back as she slowly trail his hand down her stomach. "I was just catching my breath."

"Enjoy it while it lasts, sweet soulmate."

When Clove brought his hand down to the top of her shorts, she loosened her grip as she felt Klaus's hand move under her shirt. His thumb rubbed soft circles on her abdomen as she stared at him expectantly.

Klaus only smiled, staring at her in the dark as he kept his movements consistent, not moving any lower.

"Oh come now love, don't get shy on me," Clove mocked as she moved her face closer to Klaus's.

"This isn't me being shy, sweetheart," Klaus said, his lips curling in a smile that showed his teeth, "I'm letting you catch your breath."

Suddenly, his hand ripped Clove's shorts down before slightly spreading her thighs. The hybrid smirked when he heard his soulmate's breath hitch as he shifted so she was underneath him.


"Do try and keep it down Clove. Elijah is known to be an early riser."

Klaus looked up to see Clove's eyes trained on his. He moved both hands to the inside of her thighs and began rubbing circles on the soft skin. He waited a moment until he felt her thighs part for him, spreading every so slightly on the mattress.

"Tell me what you want, love," he whispered in the dark as he felt her bend her legs, sliding her feet up the mattress.

"You Klaus, only you. I've wanted you ever since that dream."

Klaus didn't say anything else before yanking Clove's thighs apart, eliciting a soft yelp from her. His thumb brushed against her clit as he gave her one last look that read, "tell me if you want to stop."

He applied more pressure and picked up his pace when Clove sent him a sharp glare through half lidded eyes. The hybrid watched her then lean her head back and close her eyes, her lips silently parting.

Klaus slowed his pace once more, thoroughly enjoying the threatening look his soulmate was sending him, one he could decipher even in the dark room.

"Klaus I swear to," Clove snapped with gritted teeth, "stop fucking teasing-shit."

The hybrid cut her off as he inserted a finger and replaced his thumb with his mouth, effectively shutting her up. He languidly pumped his finger in and out as his tongue circled her clit, enjoying the half muffled moans he knew Clove wasn't trying hard to suppress.

When he felt her tense body relax, he added a second finger and sped up his movements, earning shameless noises from his soulmate. Her hand shot to his hair, letting her fingers wind into his curls and pull.

Clove had never seen a more erotic sight than her soulmate between her legs, eyes the color of melted gold as he continued to eat her out like a starving man. Klaus knew exactly what he was doing, his dexterous fingers bringing her pleasure in practiced movements.

She had the feeling that having a thousand years of experience really helped.

"How are you so- ah- fucking good at this? You fucking-"

"Finish that sentence, my love," Klaus growled, hybrid visage flickering across his face as he curled his fingers inside her, hitting her g-spot with pleasurable force. 

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