Chapter 15

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Clove laid down on her back as she tossed a crumpled paper ball into the air, catching it with one hand.

She'd felt off today. Anxiety had been pooling in her stomach since she woke up, even though everything had been the same as it's been. The vampire dude dropped off food for her twice, she did nothing, went crazy, worked out a little to blow off steam, and thought about her dream.

She had no clue why her gut was telling her something was off. Telling her something was going to happen. The feeling had been nagging at her all day.

When she heard the distinct clicking of heels, Clove realized her gut feeling had been right all along. Katherine would be visiting today, in fact, she'd already arrived. It was her heels that were making the clicking noises.

Clove scowled as she heard Katherine open the door walking in with an angry look and a human behind her. The blonde man she had behind her looked to be in his late twenties. He stood unnaturally straight and his eyes were foggy and unfocusing, meaning he'd been compelled.

"Hello Clove," Katherine sneered, pushing the man into the middle of the cell as Clove stood up.

Katherine's normal sultry and taunting tone was gone, instead replaced with malice and determination. Her voice made a shiver of fear run down Clove's spine and her tongue go heavy in her mouth.

"Listen here princess, if your soulmate doesn't pick up this call, I'm going to kill you and leave your body on his doorstep for him to find. I suggest keeping your mouth shut or I'll speed up the process."

Katherine pulled out her phone and began dialing a number, keeping her scalding gaze trained on Clove as the phone rang. The green eyed girl could feel her heart beating painfully against her ribs as she silently pleaded for Klaus to pick up.

On the third ring, Klaus picked up the phone. "I'll take your deal, Katerina."

'Holy fuck, I love his voice,' was Clove's first thought when she heard Klaus speak over the phone. She felt butterflies swarm her stomach and found herself wanting to hear him say more.

Hearing him in the dream was surprisingly nothing like hearing his voice in reality.

"It's too late, Klaus," Katherine growled, causing Clove to feel nauseous. "You had your chance, but luckily, I'll give you a second one."

Clove felt her heart sink in her chest. Klaus had turned down a chance to save her?

"Unfortunately, she's going to suffer for your mistake. All I wanted was my freedom, but you were too stubborn to give it to me. Say hi, Clove."

Katherine glared at Clove as she put the phone on speaker and held it out, daring her to keep quiet. Despite her nauseating nerves, Clove squared her shoulders and spat out, "go to hell, Katherine."

"Proof of life. Now touch your mark on your neck. Both of you."

Clove slowly raised her hand to her mark, feeling it warm under her touch before little sparks erupted under her skin. Tremors wracked her body as her nerves suddenly seemed to double.

"Good, good, now take your hand off your neck."

Clove slowly removed her hand, feeling tears prick her eyes as she was consumed with fear. She'd never really been scared of Katherine. She'd been angry, spiteful, and resentful towards the vampire, but now, she truly felt afraid.

"Do you know what tonight is?" Katherine asked, smirking as Clove glared. "Tonight's a full moon."

Clove couldn't help the equally shocked and fearful gasp that escaped her lips as Katherine pulled a knife out of her back pocket. The vampire took a step towards Clove, causing a frightened "no" to escape from her lips as Katherine covered the short distance.

"Katerina, stop this!"

"You brought this upon her Klaus, it's your fault, and now you're going to deal with it," Katherine said as she grasped Clove's wrist with the hand holding the knife. "She's not a werewolf yet, meaning she can still be compelled."

"Please don't," Clove mumbled as Katherine tossed the phone on the bed and grabbed her face.

Clove grabbed the knife with the hand still in Katherine's grip and did her best to angle it towards the vampire and shove it forward, causing Katherine to cry out and release her. She immediately brought her hands up to Katherine's head, but the vampire looked up and quickly began her compulsion.


Clove felt her hands go slack and before he could move, Katherine back handed her across the room before yanking the knife out of her body. Clove let out a pained yell as she smacked into the wall.

"KATERINA!" Klaus roared through the phone. "Stop this NOW!"

She quickly scrambled to her feet and ran for the door, hoping to trap Katherine in from the inside. The vampire was faster though, grabbing Clove before she could get out.

"Stop fighting and stay still," Katherine compelled, causing Clove's body to go slack.

"Katerina, I swear on your life that when I find you, I will make you suffer a fate worse than death."

"Shut up, Klaus. This is your punishment for not taking my deal the first time. You do that, and she'll continue to suffer."

Katherine picked up the phone from the bed and walked back over to Clove, grabbing her face.

"Go pick up the knife and stab the human through the heart."

"No, no, no, no," Clove whimpered as her feet moved against her will and she bent down to grab the bloody knife.

"Katherine, let her go. I will take your deal, don't make her do this."

Clove began to cry as she slowly approached the compelled human. Her trembling hand raised the knife as she sobbed, turning to stare at Katherine who looked at her expectantly.

"I don't want this, I don't want this," she sobbed out, holding the knife steady.

"Blame your soulmate. Now do what I said."

"Katherine, stop her, now. Don't do it, love."

"Do it, Clove."

"Katerina, stop her. Remove the compulsion and I will give you anything else you want. Please, do not make her do this."

"You're already going to give me whatever I want," Katherine said as the compulsion finally took over and Clove stabbed the human, letting out a gut wrenching sob as he dropped to the floor, knife still embedded in his chest.

"Here. Keep that, you'll destroy it when you turn anyway," Katherine said smugly as Clove let out a scream, the full moon beginning to take effect on the new werewolf. The vampire dropped the phone on the ground next to Clove before speeding out of the room and locking the door.

"I'm so sorry, love," Klaus said through the phone as Clove panted, closing her eyes and doubling over as another bone broke. "I'm so sorry, I should've taken her deal."

"What did she want- AH" Clove asked, screaming again as another bone broke.

"She wanted me to promise her freedom and tie it to your life. If I ever break it, you will die," Klaus said, his voice cracking. Clove could tell he was crying. "I don't want her to continue to have the upper hand against me, and I'm so sorry you have to suffer for my mistake, my love. I thought I could find you on my own."

"It's ok, take the deal," Clove gritted out, letting out a silent cry of agony as her wrist bone broke. "Please, just take it."

"I will, sweetheart. I will get her to release you soon and I'll spend forever making this up to you."

"I'm holding you to that," Clove whispered as more bones began to snap and she let out another scream.

"Just breath, love," Klaus told her soothingly. "Don't fight the transformation, just let it in."

Clove didn't hear him say anything else. As she finished her transformation, the phone was shattered under her wolfy paws.

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