Chapter 3

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Dear soulmate,

Guess who's baaaaaack?

Yeah it's me and my lonely ass. I guess I just need something to do now and I liked writing the last letter to you. Letters are my love language now.

I'd probably swoon if someone sent me one, but I also don't want anyone to send me one. I'm terrified my parents would find it in the mail and read it.

It's been two days since Katherine kidnapped me to hold against you, so let me recap my past two days. Sit down and buckle up because it's been absolutely wild. (Note my sarcasm)

First, I was unceremoniously dumped into this cramped little cell. I mean, I wasn't awake when it happened, but I know I was dumped because I woke up with a big bruise on the back of my head. Katherine didn't even have the decency to put me on the small little mattress.

What a bitch, we should totally key her car together when you come to save me. I'll do the keying and you can slash her tires.

Maybe we can also burn her boots... actually nah, I'll just kidnap them instead. I'll kidnap her whole damn shoe closet because say what you will, that bitch has some nice shoes. Damnit, it's a good thing I don't have a computer because right now I'd be emptying my bank account on shoes. Just kidding, I'd be making a wishlist of all the shoes I want because my bank account is crying. 

Katherine kidnapped me right before payday.

Anyway, after I woke up, she came in to give me the run down on what was going on. So of course, I dramatically fanned myself and asked what she wanted with me while majestically lounging on the mattress.

Just kidding, I actually just asked her what was going on along with several very choice words. Don't tell my mom. Then I may have let it slip that I was broke and can't pay the ransom money. Then I told her she was a stupid kidnapper and she should go and get someone who actually had the money to pay the ransom. It's not this bitch, let me tell you.

I spent my last twenty on a bag of chips and a jar of salsa for girls night. Now I'm out of twenty dollar bills...

She just laughed at me after that. To be fair, it was kinda funny and I almost laughed at myself, but then I remembered I was being kidnapped.

If she had kept me awake after kidnapping me, I probably wouldn't be here because I'd annoy her so bad that she'd probably just leave me on the side of the road.

That would've made my week.

But anyway, she told me I was the soulmate of her enemy and that she was going to use me for leverage, blah blah blah, she wanted her freedom and she didn't want to run anymore, blah blah blah, and then finally she got to the good part. She told me she would let me go if you caved to her demands.

I went back and reread 'demands' as 'diamonds', what the fuck?

Anyway, she seemed kind of smug when she told me that though, and the more I think of it, the more that makes me nervous. I mean, she told me that you hunted her down for 500 years, and that takes some mad persistence. It makes me think that you won't even care about me or whatever bargain she's trying to strike. Maybe your lust for revenge might be too strong and you won't even care if I live or die.

I mean, the thought kind of sucks. Here I am, babbling like an idiot about how excited I am to have a soulmate, how hopeful I am that you'll rescue me so we can key my old physics teacher's car as a date, and now there's a chance you won't even want me.

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