Chapter 17

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When Clove awoke from her detransformation, the dead body was gone and a fresh set of clothes rested on her bed.

Her entire body ached fiercely as she tried to get to her feet. Her bones rattled and stung like she'd jumped down two stories and landed on all fours. Her head pounded with the worst migraine she'd had since her junior year of highschool and her skin felt like it'd been torn apart and sewed back together with sand in the stitches.

She flexed her fingers and felt pops in the joints. Her arms creaked as she bent them and pushed herself onto her knees. Blood rushed to her head and black spots danced across her vision as she looked around the room.

Scratch marks were littered across the door alongside  multiple large dents. Paint was chipped around the edges and little paint flakes rested on the ground.

"Damn you wolf me for not getting it open," Clove mumbled to herself as she gently pushed herself onto her hands and knees, slowly crawling across the room to her bed.

It took almost five minutes for her to gingerly slip the sweatpant over her legs and slip the large black t-shirt over her head. Pulling herself further onto the cot, she rested her head on the pillow, turned sideways, and bent her knees into her chest.

"No wonder my pack always had sticks up their asses, this shit hurts as bad as my cramps," she murmured to herself as her eyes fluttered shut.


A loud bang roused Clove from her nap before a violent tremor racked her body. Her eyes flashed open, but she didn't move an aching muscle.

Harsh steps echoed outside the door, stark contrasts to the soft clicks of Katherine's heels.

Clove sluggishly pushed herself against the wall, curling as far from the door as she could. A moment later, the stomps stopped right outside the door.

There was a momentary pause before the door was blown right off the hinges, causing Clove to shriek as the debris flew about the room. Little rocks pelted at her skin as the dust flew and settled.

She watched as a man stepped into the room, waving the dust away as he took another step closer. Clove pushed herself away from the wall and pulled herself to her feet, squinting as her soulmate took another small step into the room and out of the dusty haze.

As she took a trembling step toward him, Klaus strode towards her and wrapped her in a hug before her knees gave out. Clove immediately returned the embrace, letting her body relax into his as the hybrid rested his chin on her head.

"You don't understand how happy I am to see another person. You especially, but I finally have human contact with someone after, what, a month?"

Klaus chuckled before unconsciously tightening his hold around her waist, causing her to let out a soft whimper as aches in her ribs flared. He loosened his arms and moved his chin off Clove's head before scanning her body for injuries.

"Where are you hurt?" He demanded, softly moving his hands towards her ribs.

"Everywhere," she whispered. "My whole body hurts and I want to get out of here."

"Your wish is my command, love," Klaus said before sweeping her up into a bridal carry. "Now, let's get you out of here, shall we?"


Klaus walked back towards the broken door with Clove in his arms, stepping over all the debris as Clove began to list all the places her body hurt. The hybrid grew concerned when the list became extensive, but relaxed when she offhandedly mentioned her elbow hurt because there was a little scratch.

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