Chapter 7

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"You know, that whole ordeal was so dramatic. Do you make a show out of everything?" Sloane asked Klaus as she drove.

The hybrid in the front seat shot her a smirk. "It was absolutely necessary, I never pass up the chance to give a show of force."

"You know, Clove has a dramatic streak that rivals yours. No wonder you two are soulmates," Sloane muttered under her breath as she threw on her blinker and turned right into a neighborhood.

"The alpha already disliked Clove and I, but now she probably died hating us. Did you really have to kill all of them?"

"Well I didn't have to, but there is nothing that can be done about it now. I didn't think they would all fail."

Klaus's eyes darkened as he thought back to his hybrid failures. "Shouldn't you be mourning your pack mates? You seem to not care."

"Well, Ray was an absolute dick and I barely knew most of them. Plus, I don't really react to violence like I probably should," she said with a shrug. "Maybe don't tell Clove's parents that you killed a bunch of people before coming."

"I didn't plan on it, love."

"Hey, is the guy in the back always this broody?" Sloane asked, jabbing a thumb backwards in Stefan's direction.

"Unfortunately, yes. He's been like that for a while now."

"I can hear you two," Stefan grumbled.

"No shit, its a small car," Sloane quipped back as she pulled into the driveway of Clove's parent's house. "We weren't trying to be quiet."

Klaus smiled over at the best friend of his soulmate. He quite enjoyed her company. If his number one goal was still making hybrids, he might have politely forced this girl to keep him company while Stefan worked on losing his humanity and becoming fun again. Then, when he figured out how to fix everything, he would've turned her too.

But now, he had something new to focus on. Someone more important.

He still wanted to make hybrids and find out what went wrong. But now, he had his soulmate to consider. Finding her would become his number one priority. His hybrids would only serve to assist him in finding her.

Sloane turned the car off and all three of them stepped out into the driveway. Clove's house was one story and painted grey with a bright red front door. White shutters adorned all the front windows and a tire swing hung on the large tree in the front yard.

"Stefan, you are going to stay in the car. Klaus, you're coming with me. I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Kincade would be very comfortable with a random vampire in the house," Sloane said as she started walking towards the porch.

"I fully agree love," Klaus said before speeding around the car and snapping Stefan's neck.

Sloane turned around and shot the hybrid a dirty look. Stefan's dead body was slumped against the car, his cheek squished against the window.

"Are you kidding me right now? You seriously have to murder someone right as you're about to meet the parents?" Sloane asked, her tone clearly conveying her exasperation with the hybrid.

Klaus shot her a cheeky smile in response

"What an idiot," he heard her mumble under her breath.

The hybrid smiled to himself and opened the back seat door. He shoved Stefan inside and laid him face down on the seat. Klaus slammed the door shut and followed after Sloane, shooting her a smirk.

"Apologies love, but I didn't want Stefan listening in. This is a private conversation regarding my soulmate and I don't want Stefan to have anything to use against me. He has conspired against me in the past."

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