Chapter 19

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So, there may or may not be a new little mature tag to this story. Just saying.

(What can I say, I got carried away...)


It was dark when Klaus woke again.

Soft breaths tickling his mark caused him to stir as each one caused his neck to grow warmer. Clove didn't move as Klaus shifted slightly in the bed. Her head rested on Klaus's pillow with her face tilted toward his neck. Her arm was slung over his stomach and her legs tangled with his.

The hybrid fought the urge to move too much as the tickling sensation grew more prominent. He squeezed the hand cradling Clove's hip, which caused her to move closer to him and her lips to brush over the mark on his neck.

Klaus let out an audible groan as pleasurable sparks erupted around his neck. The feeling was addictive, and Klaus was the worse kind of addict, wanting her to do it again and again. He was a glutton for punishment, craving the feeling of her soft lips against his neck when he couldn't move without risking waking her up.

His prayers were answered when Clove's head shifted again so her lips were just touching his neck. The heavenly feeling returned with a vengeance as muted bliss coursed through his body from just a small touch.

"Damnit love," Klaus murmured to himself as he closed his eyes and felt his breathing pick up.

His eyes immediately shot back open when he felt Clove's lips slowly curl into a smirk. He cursed again, louder, as she placed a kiss against his neck and moved away.

"Sorry," she rasped, voice still husky from sleep as she tried to move out of Klaus's personal space. "I didn't mean to wake you- ah!"

"You're not running away from me now, love," Klaus said as he shifted and pulled her flush against him, chest to chest. "I'm not finished with you yet."

He looked down to see a cheeky smirk on her face, hooded green eyes swirling with mischief. She looked away as she yawned before closing her eyes and leaning her head on his shoulder, mark unintentionally bared to his hungry eyes.

"Too bad, I'm tired," she mumbled through smiling lips. "Goodnight Klaus."

The hybrid didn't say a word, instead opting to pull her arm down to her side as he leaned over and kissed her neck, moving his hand from her arm to her hair to keep her in place when she began to squirm.

He smirked against her neck as he parted his lips and let the tip of his tongue drag over her mark, causing Clove to let a soft groan.

"Wait, wait, we can't do this- ah- in a house full of- uh- vampires," she stuttered out, melting against Klaus's assaults.

"You should have thought of that before you decided to be a tease, soulmate," he mumbled as he pulled away, earning an disappointed huff from Clove. "It wouldn't matter anyway. My family has been plied with enough alcohol to keep them down for hours and Sloane still hasn't returned from whatever errand she decided to run."

"That so?" Clove asked as she turned to face him, nose to nose, her tune entirely changed.

"Mhmm," Klaus hummed in affirmation.

They laid their for a moment, curled together under Klaus's warm sheets before Clove pulled back.

"You don't think this is too fast, do you? I mean, I don't usually do things half speed, and I've been half in love with the idea of having a soulmate. And you've been nothing but sweet, but I just need to know if you wanted to slow down a bit-"

"Do you?" Klaus asked genuinely, a beat of silence passing between them.

"Not at all. I like this, us; everything feels right about it. Even if I knew everything about you, I feel like there would still be something new to learn forevermore."

"Good, because I've been falling for you since I've read those letters," a kiss on the forehead, "since I saw you for the first time," a kiss on the nose, "and now waking up to you in the middle of the night." He finished with a kiss on the corner of her mouth.

"I think anyone on the outside looking in would be scared if they knew how much I've grown to like you in such a short amount of time."

"Anyone from the outside looking in wouldn't understand the feeling. There is no feeling in the world that rivals being beside someone who compliments your very soul."

"I'm so grateful that I have you," Clove asserted, kissing Klaus's nose as she smile. "I want to keep this feeling of us all to myself, locked away from the world, and I want to brutally maime anyone who tries to take it from me. Is that weird, because I feel crazy. I mean, I am crazy, but I feel like there might be a whole 'nother level involved here-"

Klaus silenced her ramblings with a finger to the lips, smiling at his blushing soulmate. 

"You are crazy, but I feel the same way. I was ready to kill anyone who harmed you before we even met, but I let my pride get in the way. Never again," Klaus said, his soft tone turning serious. "Now, if anyone tries what Katerina failed to do, I don't care if I need to get down on my knees to do it, I would raize the world to the ground to find you."

"You're as crazy as me. I don't think I'll ever get enough of it."

"Nor will I," Klaus said before leaning in to kiss his soulmate on the lips.

Clove's hands moved to cup his face as she returned the kiss, softly as they both tested unfamiliar waters. Soon, Clove felt Klaus part her lips to deepen the kiss but she denied his advance, ever the little tease.

She felt his hand wind into her hair, tugging her head back as his other hand pinched her hip. She knew he was losing patience when she heard and felt him growl into her mouth as his fangs extended. She slowly parted her lips, gasping when she felt Klaus waste no time in deepening the kiss and exploring her mouth to his leisure.

The hand that rested on her hip moved to her neck, causing her to let out a muffled moan when she felt his hand squeeze lightly.

She whined as their kiss ended all too soon, trying to pull his face forward again for another one. Klaus removed his hand from her neck to grab both of her wrists. 

"Ah, ah, sweetheart, you started this," he said as he leaned down toward her neck once more, pulling her head back letting his nose gently glide up and down the column of her throat. "Teasing me with your mouth and then telling me how crazy you are for me, flower girl."

Klaus smirked when he heard her breath hitch at the old nickname. He grinned maniacally when he felt her start to wiggle. 

"Stay still and stay quiet for me, sweetheart. We don't want you waking up my siblings, now do we?"

"Mmm, no- ah!" Clove yelped as Klaus nipped at her mark, the sensations shooting straight to her core.

"I said," Klaus growled, his hybrid eyes on full display as he gripped Clove's hair tighter. "Stay still and stay quiet. Be good for me, sweetheart."

Clove didn't say anything, instead nodding her head. 

"Don't be afraid to tell me if you want me to stop, love."

"Don't stop," she whispered breathlessly.

"As you wish." 

Without wasting a second, Klaus's lips lowered onto Clove's throbbing mark. Her lips parted in an 'o' shape as Klaus nipped the skin with his teeth before letting his tongue smooth the sting.

Clove tried her hardest to keep still as he worked kissed down her throat, but when he hit another sensitive spot at the junction between her neck and he shoulder, she couldn't stop her hip from grinding against his thigh.

Klaus didn't stop, instead paying particular attention to the spots that made her squirm. she couldn't keep her moans silent anymore or her hips still as she felt Klaus unzip the jacket. 

"Please Klaus," she pleaded breathlessly, shifting her hands in his grip.

"Show me where you want me, love," he whispered against her collarbone as his hand released her wrists.

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