Chapter 14

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"You know, I really think Nik's soulmate being kidnapped is bad karma for all the years he's kept us locked in boxes," Kol claimed as he leaned back on the couch, mockingly raising a glass in Klaus's direction as he drank to his brother's misery.

Finn joined Kol's toast, followed by Rebekah and Sloane. Elijah simply rolled his eyes as Klaus fumed, the suited Original laughing at his siblings as they took a sip of their drinks.

"No, this is Niklaus's sins haunting him," Finn countered, earning a loud agreement from Kol.

"Exactly!" The wild Mikaelson hollered, throwing his hands up.

"You know Nik, if you had been nicer to us and not meddled in our love lives, maybe your soulmate wouldn't have been kidnapped," Rebekah told him, earning a snort from Sloane and an eye roll from Klaus.

"Or, if Nik could actually murder one little doppelganger, we wouldn't even be having conversation," Kol retorted, clearly unfinished making digs at Klaus. "Your poor soulmate, having to be stuck with such a failure of a man."

"Now that's enough, Kol," Klaus growled, getting to his feet.

"Oh sit down Niklaus, " Finn said, waving at Klaus dismissively. "Kol is right."

"I undaggered you all because I took care of Mikael and I need your help in searching for my soulmate, but I'll put you all right back in your boxes if you don't stop this nonsense."

"Typical Nik, only undaggering us because he needs something. Quickly Finn, enjoy your time out because until poor Nik finds his soulmate and gets laid, we're all doomed."

The rest of the Mikaelsons and Sloane burst out laughing at Kol's comment, causing poor Klaus to flush red and sit back down on his couch, scowling and aggressively drawing in his sketchbook.

"Klaus, I fucking love your family. I can't believe you didn't let me meet them earlier," Sloane cried, wiping a tear from her eye.

"As you can see, Sloane, it happened to be for this exact reason."

"It's too bad because your brother is hilarious," she said, bumping fists with Kol.

Klaus's temper flared and he scowled at their interaction. Rebekah smirked and took a sip of her drink, while Elijah and Finn watched in amusement.

"So will you all help me or not?"

"No," Finn said immediately, ignoring Klaus's flashing amber eyes and the angry veins trickling down his cheeks. "You locked me in a box for 900 years. I see no reason to help you when you did nothing to help me."

Sloane too looked annoyed with Finn, rolling her eyes and glaring at Klaus. She couldn't blame the man, after all he had been locked away in a box for 900 years by his brother. Still, she found herself irrationally angry at the oldest Mikaelson.

"I'll help you Niklaus, perhaps you'll be nicer and more fun when you finally release all that pent up frustration," Kol said, waggling his eyebrows. "Then maybe your little soulmate can convince you to stop being so dagger happy."

"I hope she helps you see reason," Finn agreed.

"I don't know if I want to help you Nik, after all, you killed almost all of my lovers over the years," Rebekah taunted, staring down at her nails as Klaus fumed.

"None of them were good enough for you, Rebekah."

"According to you. How about this, Nik, I help you find my soulmate and you let me leave to go off and find mine."

"Absolutely n-"

"Klaus, I swear, if you say no to an easy deal, I'll castrate you, kill you, then tell Clove what you did," Sloane threatened, nearly throwing her glass at the hybrid's head.

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