Chapter 16

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I'm so sorry about the super long delays, school is kicking my ass. However, I don't want to be that author that drops off the face of the earth an leaves her stories unfinished, so this is me trying to get back into the swing of things.

Expect an update for "Three Of Hearts"- My TVD Omegaverse story- sometime in the next few days, as well as another update for this one.

Thank you for your patience <3


"Are you sure about this Niklaus?" Elijah asked as the two made their way to the location Katherine had demanded they meet. 

It had only been 12 hours since the worst phone call of Klaus's life. 12 hours since he'd been forced to listen to his soulmate shift for the first time because of his pride.

"I've never been more sure of anything, Elijah," Klaus said firmly.

Both men steeled their expressions as they made their way into a woodsy clearing miles from the nearest part of town. Katherine stood with a tall, dark skin man and a short, strawberry blonde woman. 

Klaus's eyes flashed gold when he saw her smug face. The Petrova held a relaxed stance as the two Mikaelsons made their way to the edge of the salt line, the barrier keeping Katherine and company safe from Klaus's wrath.

"Hello Klaus," Katherine drawled, flashing the hybrid a brilliant smile. "I'm so glad you've finally come to your senses."

"I did not come here to exchange pleasantries with you, Katerina," Klaus spat, his jaw clicking in anger as he glowered at the doppelganger. "Let's get on with this."

"Niklaus," Elijah murmured warningly, drawing a glare from his brother.

"Did you bring what I asked for?" Katherine asked, raising an eyebrow as she crossed her arms.

Klaus glanced to Elijah, who gave a slight nod of his head. The suited Original pulled three vials of blood encased in a white handkerchief out of his pocket. He held them gently in his hand and unwrapped the handkerchief before slipping it back in his pocket.

"Three vials of blood from out other siblings," Elijah announced, looking to Klaus, who nodded in confirmation.

"And what of you and Klaus?"

"We will give you our blood in person so you do not claim deceit on our part."

Katherine nodded her head before the woman next to her stepped forward, gesturing to the three vials of blood in Elijah's hand.

"Set them on the ground," she instructed.

Elijah did as told and set the vials on the ground in front of the salt barrier. The witch lifted a hand and made the vials float through the barrier before landing at her feet.

Katherine stared at Elijah and Klaus expectantly, earning a soft sigh from the eldest. Elijah withdrew two empty vials from his other pocket, passing one to Klaus. Both brothers bit into their wrists simultaneously and let their blood fill the vials before handing them off to the witch.

The witch pulled a bowl out of her bag and set it on the ground before kneeling next to it. She mixed all five vials together before beginning her chants.

A triumphant, yet relieved smile broke out over Katherine's face as she listened to the witch chant. She glanced over at the two Mikaelson siblings, who were both watching the witch impassively. Soon, the barrier would come down and she wouldn't have to worry about Klaus killing her on sight.

In addition, she wouldn't have to worry about any of the Mikaelson siblings laying a harmful hand on her.

"It's time, Katherine," the witch said flatly, gesturing to the second bowl. Katherine nodded and pulled out a vial of Clove's blood from the pocket of her designer jeans, pouring it in the empty bowl. She then bit into her wrist and let her blood drip into the same bowl.

The witch set the two bowls next to each other before continuing to chant. Katherine looked to Klaus, who was still watching the witch.

"Klaus, before she can finish the spell, you need to make a promise with me. My witch needs a verbal promise to bind to the blood promise. Do it and I give you Clove's location."

Klaus's eyes snapped to Katherine's, the vampire looking at him expectantly. Elijah nudged his side after a silent pause. Klaus let out a angry sigh before nodding to Katherine.

"You need to swear that neither you or your siblings will ever try to kill me or have someone else kill me for you. You will never hunt me again. This is our clean slate. Say it out loud."

Klaus grit his teeth before speaking. "I swear neither I or my family will ever try to kill you," he said, watching as the witch mixed the two bowls together as he spoke. "Directly or Indirectly."

"Say you swear it on your soulmate's life."

"I swear it on my soulmate's life," Klaus echoed. A moment later, a raging fire erupted from the blood bowl.

"The spell is done," the witch announced, getting to her feet. "The promise is bound."

"Now give me my soulmate, Katerina," Klaus growled, stepping as close to the barrier as he physically could.

"Relax, Klaus," Katherine sneered as she walked closer to the witch. "Sanders, you stay here."

"Miss Pierce?" Sanders asked confusedly, his nervous eyes flashing from Katherine, to Klaus, and back to his sire.

"Lead Klaus to his soulmate," she instructed, giving Sanders a menacingly sugar-sweet smile.


"No Sanders, you will show Klaus to his soulmate," Katherine demanded, finally causing Sanders to back down.

'Ah, so he's sired,' Klaus realized, still glaring at Katherine, who shot him a taunting wave as she sped off with the witch, not wanting to test her luck.

"Now, I do believe it would be in your best interests to lead me to my soulmate," Klaus snarled, his hybrid visage taking over his face as he stepped past the barrier.

Sanders looked extremely nervous as he looked down at Klaus. Even though he was a good four inches taller than the hybrid, Sanders was still terrified of the man in front of him.

"Okay," he mumbled, clearing his throat as he sped off towards the cellar they kept Clove in.


"Here," Sanders said when they finally arrived.

Katherine had found an old, abandoned Lockwood cellar that was just out of the town barriers. George Lockwood had shown it to her back in the day and told her it was for emergencies or if he couldn't reach his house in time. There were multiple cellars around the area for similar purposes and all of them had been forgotten.

"Thank you, mate," Klaus said, stepping closer to Sanders, who looked like he was about to shit a brick. 

The hybrid immediately yanked Sanders' heart out. Even if the man was sired, he still played a role in keeping Klaus's soulmate from him. 

"I will head home and inform the rest of the family," Elijah said, patting Klaus on the shoulder as his brother glared at the entrance.

"Thank you, Elijah," Klaus said sincerely, not sparing his brother a glance. Elijah smiled at his brother's back before whooshing away.

Klaus waisted no time in yanking the door off it's hinges, revealing a small, narrow tunnel. He immediately rushed forward, taking a few twists and turns before finding another door at the end of the tunnel.

The hybrid yanked the door off it's hinges, hearing a small shriek from inside. The surrounding wall crumbled, dust and debris clouding the doorway as it swarmed the air. Klaus ignored it and stepped into the room, coming face to face with his soulmate in real life for the first time. 

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