Chapter 12

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The pitter patter of the rain outside lulled Clove into a drowsy state. The auburn haired woman was laying flat on her back, staring at the ceiling above her bed.

Conflicting emotions were racing through her mind. Happiness from the unexpected sparks that came from her tattoo clashed with the sadness and humiliation of Katherine stealing her letters. The very letters that she addressed to her soulmate and poured her frustrations and her heart into.

She had no clue what Katherine did with the letters, but she guessed there was a fifty fifty chance they were either given to Klaus to taunt the shit out of him or they were destroyed. However, Clove was certain that Katherine read through them.

The thought of Katherine reading her private letters made her gut turn and her face burn with humiliation.

Clove turned on her side and faced the blank concrete wall, feeling her eyelids droop and a wave of fatigue wash over her. She slowly let her eyes fall closed and let herself succumb to sleep.


When Clove awoke, she found herself sleeping in a straw bed on the floor of a small hut. She pushed herself up into a sitting position as she took in her surroundings, which seemed oddly familiar to her.

She stood up and brushed the straw off of her- wait. Clove looked down again and realized that instead of her clothes, she was now in a long purple dress with a leather belt around her waist. Her hair flowed down to it's usual spot at the bottom of her shoulder blades, a reminder of her obsession with long hair.

This place was becoming more and more familiar, but there was one more thing she needed to check before confirming her suspicion.

She threw open the door to the hut and raced towards the village in the distance, ignoring the stalls that lined the empty streets. She slowed down when she came to the square, a large grin spreading across her face when she saw the horse tied to a post in the center of the square.

The sword was stuck in the wooden post above the horse's head from her last dream had mysteriously disappeared, but the horse still confirmed her suspicion.

She was back in the same dream she had when she was nine.

The dream where she met Klaus for the first time.

Clove stepped closer to the horse and rubbed it's body, grinning as she felt a rush of anticipation. She only pet the horse for a moment before waving goodbye to it and running towards the direction of the flower field.

When she reached the edge of the field, she looked up and saw Klaus sitting in the center of the field, the same spot where she met him all those years ago.

She let out a shaky breath and tentatively took a step into the field, silently hoping he would turn around and notice her. Clove took another step, and another, keeping quiet as she slowly made her way to Klaus.

When she was a few feet away, he finally turned in her direction. She stopped moving, watching his face to gauge his reaction.

The hybrid's eyes widened and his mouth parted slightly as he looked her over, seemingly more shocked to see her than she was to see him. Clove took another step forward and smiled.

"Hi," she said breathlessly, just loud enough for him to hear.

Klaus didn't say anything, still taking in the sight of his soulmate as she smiled at him. She walked closer and closed the distance between them, still smiling up at Klaus.

"Hello Clove," he breathed out, returning her smile.

Clove shocked Klaus with her next move. She threw her arms around his waist, hugging the life out of him as she rested her head on his chest. The hybrid felt all the wind fly out of his as he raised his arms and gently hugged her back, resting his head on top of hers.

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