Chapter 10

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Clove set down the letter she was writing when she heard footsteps. She knew they didn't belong to the vampire who brought her food because they sounded remarkably like the clicking of heels.

"Hello Clove."

Clove tensed when she heard her name come from the she-demon's mouth. She turned on her bed and gave Katherine a withering glower, flipping her the bird as well.

"What the hell do you want, bitch?"

Katherine laughed, shooting Clove a smile full of fake sympathy. "You should watch how you talk to me. I'm the one in control of your life and Klaus's happiness. It would be a real shame if you die before you even get to meet him."

"I really hope you fall off a cliff and die instead, but beggars can't be choosers."

"I can't die from falling off a cliff."

"Then I hope you get stabbed in the heart by a conveniently placed tree branch on your way down."

"Keep dreaming," Katherine smirked as she stepped into the room, standing between Clove and the thick steel door.

"Oh, I will. I promise you, my dreams will only get more and more graphic."

"You and Klaus really are perfect for each other."

"Aw, I'm so glad you approve," Clove spat sarcastically. "I'll invite you to the wedding- oh wait, you'll be dead."

"I really don't approve of anything or anyone who brings Klaus happiness. And I'm trying to keep myself alive. That's the whole reason you're here."

"No, the whole reason I'm here is because you want to be alive and free. If you didn't approve, I'd be dead."

"Very true. Now, speaking of Klaus, do you want to know what your soulmate is up to?"

"Is he looking for me?" Clove asked, trying to contain the smile that threatened to break out across her face.

"I'll tell you," Katherine paused for dramatic effect, the smirk on her face widening as Clove became more and more impatient. "If you ask nicely."

"Just fucking tell me already. You already keep me locked in this damn room with no social interaction and threats hanging over my head, so stop being such a bitch about this!"

"Fine," Katherine shrugged. "Be that way."

The vampire turned around and made her way back to the door, looking at Clove expectantly. The auburn-haired girl crossed her arms, realizing Katherine meant what she said.

As the vampire stepped out of the room and began to close the door, Clove finally snapped.

"Fine, fine. Could you tell me what Klaus is up to?"

"I said ask nicely," Katherine taunted, stepping back into the room. "What's the magic word?"

Clove grit her teeth and clenched her fist tightly next to her side. Katherine smirked as she waited a moment for Clove to speak, but the girl kept her mouth closed tightly.

Her pride forbid her from begging.

"It's too bad," Katherine mocked, "you were so close."

Katherine turned on her heel and walked out the door, closing it shut behind her. Clove finally released her closed fists and let her mouth relaxed.

For once, she needed to swallow her pride to get what she wanted.

"Fine!" She shouted, hoping Katherine hadn't left yet. "Can you please tell me what he's up to?"

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