Chapter 9

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*TW: Attempted SA after the second '***', proceed with caution*

It's not very graphic, but I figured better safe than sorry with the warning.

"So," Sloane mumbled as she climbed out of the black SUV. "This is Chicago, huh?"

"Windy City, Klaus responded, not sparing her a glance as he stared out at the city. "This is where I met Stefan."

"Let me guess, Stefan was actually fun then? You don't seem like a guy who'd be friends with someone boring."

"Stefan was off the rails then, earning himself the title "Ripper of Monterey" after he succumbed to his bloodlust and slaughtered an entire migrant village."

"And you thought that guy was fun?" Sloane asked, half in disbelief and half unsurprised. "Damn Klaus."

"The 1920s were wild, the girls sexy and reckless. Stefan fit right in."

"No fair," Sloane pouted, scoffing as she kicked at the ground with the worn tip of her converses. "I want to go to the 1920s and party with sexy flappers."

"It was prohibition; everything was off-limits then which made everything so much fun," Klaus teased, smirking to himself when he heard Sloane let out a frustrated groan.

"Goddamnit, it's not fair! I want to have fun breaking prohibition laws and partying, is that too much to ask?"

Klaus chuckled to himself as the two continued to stare out at the city. He looked at Sloane from the corner of his eye, watching as she seemed lost in thought.

"Do you think Clove would've enjoyed the 1920s?" He asked quietly, his voice coming out weaker than he cared to admit.

Sloane let out a small sigh, shaking her head.

"Clove would've adored the 20s. That girl would've been the life of the party, dancing until she dropped. And the fact that everything was illegal, oh, I can only imagine the thrill she would get."

Klaus smiled to himself as Sloane spoke, the thought of his soulmate clad in a flapper dress as they danced under the lights of a speakeasy made him feel almost giddy.

"Clove is an absolute wild child, and that girl knows how to have a good time. I see now how you two are a match. I'm warning you now, and don't tell her I told you this, but you're going to have your hands pretty damn full."

"How do you figure?"

"She's not going to just become putty in your hands because you guys are soulmates. She's going to make you work for it. Clove enjoys the chase, I think the thought of being caught gives her a thrill."

Klaus let out a low chuckle and shook his head, earning a glance from Sloane, who had a ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Spectacular," Klaus breathed, his lips curling up into a smirk. "I too enjoy a good chase because, in the end, I always win."

"Well, that better be the case, because she's still kidnapped right now. Got any plans for that, because Chicago is the last place I'd start."

Klaus's smirk fell into a frown as he turned away, walking toward the exit with Sloane following behind him.

"I do actually. We are going to see my favorite witch."

"And what is she going to do?"

"She's going to tell me why my hybrids aren't working, and then she's going to give me the biggest locator spell of her bloody life."

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